Children come into school at 8.45 and finish at 3.05
PE is on a Thursday and children are to come into school in their PE kit. Swimming for 6B and Athlectics for 6M.
Homework is set on Google Classroom every Friday and consists of Maths and Spellings.
Spellings are set on a Friday and are expected to be practised ready for a test the next Friday.
Children are expected to read at least 4 times a week. As they are in Year 6, it is not an expectation that an adult will always sign their reading record; however we do expect children to make a comment in their reading record to summarise what they have read/ state their favourite part so far/ make a prediction on what you think will happen next. Reading records will be checked every Friday and if children have not read 4 times they will be expected to attend 'Catch-up Club' of a Friday breaktime.
Children should access Times Table Rockstars and Spelling shed often at home and this will be monitored by their class teacher. Please let us know if your child has trouble logging into the website or cannot remember their login details.
Thank you Miss Bennett 6B & Miss Moore 6M