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Year 4

Hi everyone, 


Hope that you and your families are all keeping well and safe. We've been busy planning some lovely activities to keep your clever clog brains ticking over. See the document below. Don't forget to keep on logging in to TTRockstars and Purple Mash.  

Keep shining, smiling and being your amazing little selves. 

Missing you all so much!


Mrs Whitlock, Mrs Gregory and Mrs Bowman xxx

Home Learning plan 6.7.20


Home Learning Week beginning 08.06.20

Home Learning Planning 01.06.2020 - 05.06.2020

Hi Year 4


How about having a go at recreating some famous paintings or art works. You could use toys, clothes or even yourself. Mrs Bowman has had a go here.  There are some suggestions of paintings you could try and use or you could find one you prefer.  If you manage to do any PLEASE send them in and if you would like them shared on Twitter we'd be more than happy to do that too.

Famous Art Images

Hello Year 4


Just a reminder that there are lots of To Do tasks on Purple Mash, links on our Twitter page and to keep playing on Times Table Rockstars. I've sent lots of challenges out, an you beat me?!


Here's an interesting link to some science investigations you could try next week:



So how did you get on with vegetable paintings? Email the office or put them on twitter. We'd love to see them!

As we enter another week of home schooling we have planned a short English unit on Explanation texts. This could take two weeks if you follow the work in order or just dip in and do what you can. Please read the Explanation Texts Overview before you start. Above all, have fun and come up with an amazing invention!


We would have been going over Perimeter and Area if we were in school this week.  I know we set you a perimeter challenge a few weeks ago, so here are some further online lessons on this subject. 

Let us know how you get on.


Hello Year 4


Well we have the sunshine back this week which will hopefully mean we can all get outside a bit more. We would love to know what games you have been playing outside. Let us know on email or Twitter. 

Some new activities for you...

English...BBC Bitesize has an activity on fronted adverbials, something we covered lots earlier in Year 4.  We would love to read any impressive sentences or descriptions you could give us about the changes that happen in spring (Activity 4 on the BBC link)


Maths...Do you remember we covered how to multiply a 2 digit number by 1 digit? Well here are some online video lessons to revise & extend your learning on peeking at the answers first!!


If you want to extend your learning EVEN further then this BBC Bitesize lesson has an activity and a game that looks at multiplying THREE digits by a single digit.


Art...You might have seen this activity on the school Twitter page.  Not everyone will have a set of paints at home but did you know you create your own using scraps and leftovers in the kitchen?!

Look at the images below for some ideas or ask a grown up to help you find other things you could use. Please share any artwork you have done...we are really missing your imaginations. 




Check out the link below for some Charanga/ Yumu music activities for Year 4! Your logins are attached in a word document. Go to either class 4GB or class 4W and find your initials to access your logins.


 Love from Mrs Barnes

Hello again Year 4


Well we hope you are all still keeping safe and well.  The rain might not be as much fun to play out in but we are sure you all have lots of other things to keep you busy indoors.  If you would like some more you go...

First...maths.   Earlier in the year we looked at area and perimeter..remember??  Well don't worry if you can't, there are some online revision activities in this link


If you manage to complete any of this, there is a perimeter puzzle question below for you. See if you can answer it and either tweet or email us on and we will give you a special mention on Twitter. 


perimeter puzzle question

If you would prefer to carry on revising our fractions work or if you prefer being talked through things then there are some online interactive maths lessons on YouTube from NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics).

Next... English


A local Liverpool organisation Writing on the Wall is running a live 5 minute write called 'Write Here, Write Now'each morning at 10am on either Facebook Live -  Writing on the Wall or Instagram @wow_fest


You are given a short line as a prompt to start writing and then you carry on for 5 minutes.  There are no wrong answers, it is all about being creative and practising just being able to write.  

We (and they) would love to read what you come up with. It could be a poem. It might be funny, or sad or terrifying.  It's up to you. Please email us and let us know how you get on.


Some of their previous prompts have included


‘I don’t believe in monsters’ 

‘This is the second time she had lied to them…’ 
'"Get in the car!" he said.’ 



Here is Mrs Bowman's effort...can you do any better?


“I don’t believe in monsters...” she began “well, I didn’t until last night.  That’s what makes it all so puzzling, I just....I’m just so....oh I don’t know...I just still can’t believe it was real.”

Confused and intrigued, I looked at her closely.  She didn’t seem like she was lying but then if she was telling the truth then why wasn’t she trembling? I know I would’ve been.

She continued “It was late, about 11:30pm...I was just drifting off to sleep when I heard it...only quietly at first but it gradually became louder.  It was outside my door. Wide awake now, I sat up in bed and turned the lamp on. That’s when I saw it. Staring back at me. I felt paralysed.”







Hi Year 4. 

Well this is a strange time isn't it?  We were hoping that we would be seeing all of your smiles in person but obviously we must all keep ourselves safe.  Instead we are going to be posting some ideas to keep your brains busy while we are not in school.  We would love to know how you are getting on so please send us any screenshots or photographs on Twitter or via email.  We all miss you so much. 

Stay safe and listen to your grown-ups at home.

Mrs Bowman, Mrs Whitlock,  Mrs Gregory & Mrs Redhead.



Here are some ideas you can try.  Either write them out yourself or perhaps a grown-up could help you write your ideas or to type it up. You could even ask them to video you reading it out loud.

Idea 1 - I'm sure you are all missing seeing each other as well.  How about writing a letter to your classmates telling them about what you have been doing.

Start by telling them why you wanted to write.  Then tell them what games or toys you have been playing with.  Have you been doing any online exercise sessions such as Joe Wicks' PE Classes, Oti's Dance Classes or Andy's Wild Workouts?  Are you missing anything about school? Is there anything you are NOT missing? Think of a positive message to finish your letter with. 


Idea 2 - We want you to imagine you can talk to this nasty virus as if it was a person.  Write a letter of complaint telling it why you are writing.  Start off with a sentence explaining why you are complaining and why you are cross. Explain the reasons you are unhappy and how it has affected other people around you.   You could then say anything positive tat might have happened as a result - such as spending extra time with your family.  Think of a short sentence to end your letter. 

Here is an example letter.




Before we left school in March, we were teaching you about fractions.  Let's see how much you can remember with these puzzles.  Can you solve them yourself before looking at  the answers?!


We would have been learning about Ancient Egypt this term.

Can you find out any interesting facts about the Ancient Egyptian way of life?  Why do we still remember them now? Who were the famous figures from then?

Where is Egypt on a map? What river/rivers pass through it? 

There are lots of things online. You could record a video, draw a picture, make a model or write a few words down about what you find out. 

Here are a few links to get you started beginning with a song from CBBC's Horrible Histories.


Our next topic in History is the Egyptians. Can you investigate when, where and how they lived? Perhaps you could create something to display in our classroom such as a tomb painting, some hieroglyphics, a report on mummification or re-create a famous monument. Please bring these in after the Easter holidays and we will be giving out lots of raffle tickets for your team. We look forward to seeing them.

Have a look at this website to get you started.

We had lots of fun on French Day tasting food, baking pain au chocolat, playing boules and making chateaux from the Loire Valley.

Hello and welcome to Year 4!


We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and welcome to the New Year! Here are a few reminders for the Spring Term.


We have finished studying the Romans and are now moving on to our Rivers topic. We will be learning how rivers are formed, why cities are located on rivers and creating a fabulous 3D river model.


Homework will still be given out on a Monday and collected in on Friday. This will include a piece of Maths and English work linked to the week's learning and spellings. Please return reading books once a week.


For PE children should wear a white T-shirt, black shorts and PE pumps. We have launched The Daily Mile where we will be running around the playground for 15 minutes several times a week to promote healthy bodies and minds.

4GB will be going swimming this term and will need a swimming costume or trunks (no shorts please), goggles and a swimming cap.


Please make sure that you are wearing the correct school uniform each day. Wear your tie to look smart. You must only wear black school shoes- no trainers. 


Don’t forget to keep striving for lots of raffle tickets for good attendance and good behaviour. Also you can move up our zone board for excellent work, good attitudes and by following our school values. Help your class to gain a class reward by earning lots of stars on our 100 star target board. Both classes achieved 100 stars last term. Well done!


Please ensure children are on the yard in time for registration at 8.55am.


Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Gregory, Mrs Bowman and Mrs Whitlock

Spring 1 Rivers Topic

Spring 1 Science The Water Cycle
