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Gallery Archive: 2015-2018

Lucca' s project - Ancient Egypt

KS2 Christmas Concert

Year 5 Dodgeball Competiton

Hunts Cross celebrates World Book day

Year 4 football team

School choir singing at Eli Lilly Ltd

Google Expedition

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Using Google Expedition, the children can be transported to any location e.g. under the sea, Egypt and even too space. Here they can look around a 360 degree world and be completely immersed in that environment.

Google Expedition

Still image for this video
Using Google Expedition, the children can be transported to any location e.g. under the sea, Egypt and even too space. Here they can look around a 360 degree world and be completely immersed in that environment.

Google Expedition

Still image for this video
Using Google Expedition, the children can be transported to any location e.g. under the sea, Egypt and even too space. Here they can look around a 360 degree world and be completely immersed in that environment.

Google Expedition

Code Club
