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Year 2





Year 2


School Trip


The children will be going to Knowsley Safari Park on the 15th July. Please ensure your child brings a packed lunch and plenty of drinks. If the weather is hot, we advise your child brings a summer hat and sun cream. If you would like your child to receive a school packed lunch, please ensure you let a member of staff from Year 2 know. Finally, all consent forms must be returned.




Please remember to wear your mask on the school playground when bringing or collecting your child. If you are exempt, please inform the school office so that you can be added to the exemption list. We are asking for one adult per family to collect children from the playground. Please remember to keep your 2 metre distance from others.




For this half term, PE will take place every Wednesday and Friday. Children must come into school in their full PE kits. Black pumps must be worn. Please ensure your child wears the school’s jumper or cardigan over their PE kit when travelling to school. Jogging bottoms or leggings are also acceptable to wear.



Homework will be given out every Friday through Class Dojo. Your child will be given a spelling assignment, grammar assignment, maths and reading. Homework must be completed every Wednesday. Homework that has not been returned by the given date will need to be completed during lunchtime that day.


Reading books


Reading books will be given out every Monday. Your child will receive 3 books. These will include: a reading for pleasure book, a phonics book and a banded book. We expect children to read every night. This does not have to be the whole book. A few pages a night is perfectly fine. Please write in your child’s reading record every time they read as this will be monitored. Finally, we expect to see your child’s reading book in school every day.

Healthy snacks

Children can bring their own snacks in every day providing it is fruit. If you wish for your child to receive milk daily then this must be arranged with the office.
