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Welcome to our Reception Classes!

RS- Mrs. Spreadbury/Mrs. Barnes : RB - Miss Black


Thank you for attending our Stay and Play sessions, we hope you had a lovely time and we are looking forward to seeing you all on Monday at 9.10am.

Please remember to bring Mouse so we can find out his/her name and tell us what you have done over the weekend together.

See below for a few reminders.


Reception PE day will be a Wednesday throughout the year. Children are to come to school on Wednesdays wearing the appropriate clothing for PE. This should include; white t-shirt, black shorts or joggers, black pumps and their school cardigan or jumper. Trainers or school shoes may be worn to come to school but please ensure your child brings in their pumps in a bag on this day to keep in school on their peg.


Water Bottles

Please ensure your child has a water bottle in class. These will be sent home at the end of each day.

Wellies and Coats

Can you please bring in a pair of wellies with your child's name inside to be left in school as our outdoor area can become muddy.

Please ensure that your child brings in a coat which is suitable for the weather.


Class Dojo

You will soon receive login details for your new Class Dojo. Please ensure both children and adults login as this will be the platform in which we share information with parents.



Each Friday the children will be given a  Mouse Club task to be completed by the following Wednesday. 


Reading Books/Book Bags

Reading books will be changed on Wednesday so it is vital that all book bags are brought back to school ready to be changed and given back out on a Friday. 


Reading is very important and we encourage you to be reading with your child as much as possible. The children will receive; a phonics book for them to read independently and a reading for pleasure book to share with their adult at home.

Please note we do not expect children to read the full book in one sitting, two or three pages a night is enough.


Milk and Snack

Milk and a piece of fruit will be provided each day in school.



Please ensure your child’s belongings are labelled clearly with their name and their class. Especially cardigans and jumpers.



If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask :) 

Thank you for your support, we look forward to an exciting year ahead!


The Reception Team
