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French Intent Statement


The core language taught at Hunts Cross Primary School is French. Our planning is based on the Liverpool scheme of work which covers all the components of the Programme of Study. It is the intention that all children in KS2 will access first quality teaching of French in order to adequately prepare them for KS3.



Our MFL curriculum will:

  • Help children develop their awareness of cultural differences in other countries.
  • Develop an interest in learning other languages.
  • Introduce young children to another language in a way that is enjoyable and stimulating.
  • Stimulate and encourage children’s curiosity about language.
  • Encourage children to be aware that language has a structure and that the structure differs from one language to another.
  • Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
  • Lay the foundations for future language learning.
  • Encourage children’s confidence.


French at Hunts Cross covers all 12 points of study addressing listening, responding, speaking, reading and writing skills. Lessons are taught through songs, games, miming, actions, repetition alongside reading and writing.


We follow a scheme of work provided by School’s Improvement Liverpool. This is a progressive scheme of work where each year is built upon. All KS2 learn the same six topics split into two topics per term. These are:

Self, family and friends

School Life

The World around us

Animals, home and environment




French is taught twice a week in KS2 initially by a Foreign Language Teacher, whose native language is French, for 20 minutes and a further follow up lesson, to consolidate learning, delivered by the class teacher for 10 minutes. We use Powerpoints and BBC Active Software to support our lessons alongside French Literature.


In addition to our French lessons, we celebrate French culture and language with a yearly French Celebration Day for the whole school. We use this day to look at the country as a whole and celebrate various artists, buildings, tourism, food and sport. This day is always lots of fun and children and staff wear the colours of the French flag.

Although we do not teach French in KS1 and EYFS they do learn simple greetings through class registration and they will take part in French Celebration Day.

