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Year 4

week 8 

Here is our last week of home learning tasks before we are all back together in school.  This week we want you to spend time thinking about how you are feeling about coming back in and think about the things you are looking forward to or the things you are nervous about. 

Enjoy the better weather this week and hope you can get outdoors. 

Week 7

Welcome back.  We hope you've had a lovely week off and away from working.  Here is your timetable for this week. Keep logging onto Bug Club, TTRS & Spelling Shed & keep checking Google Classroom for details of all your tasks. 

We are looking forward to hearing from you all on the stream again this week. Keep in touch!

Year 4 team 

Week 7 Timetable

Week 6

Well Year 4, we made it to the last week of half term.  You have really impressed us so far so let's make this the best week yet! You have some myth writing, multiplying 2 digit numbers as well as your daily handwriting, TTRS & spelling activities. 

Week 5

Hello Year 4

Here is this week's timetable.  It is Children's Mental Health Week so take time each day to be kind to yourself and those around you.  

Week 4 

Hello Year 4 

We hope you are all keeping well, listening to your grown-ups and getting on with lots of different activities. We will all have some days that are easier and some harder days and that is ok.  Make sure you celebrate any successes you have, however small they may seem and congratulate yourselves for doing a good job.  We miss you and love hearing about anything you are doing so please keep chatting to us on the stream or tweet us with your news. 

Stay safe.

Y4 staff

Week 4 timetable

Hello Year  4.

Hopefully you are all keeping well. Here are this weeks activities.  There will be more details daily on Google Classroom where you can keep in touch with us.  We know there have been some problems with uploading and writing on some of the documents and we hope to sort these out in the next few days. 

Keep safe everyone and keep listening to your grown-ups at home.

Hello Year 4

Well we were hoping to see all your smiling faces back but until it is safe enough for everyone to be back in school then we will be posting our lessons and activity timetable here and details of all our tasks will be on Google Classroom. 

You can contact your year group teachers on here during the hours of 8:45am and 3:05pm.

Stay safe, keep active and most importantly stay safe

Mrs Bowman, Mrs Gregory & Mrs Whitlock

Year 4 Week 1 timetable
