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On May 25th 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation came into affect across the EU. The GDPR is a piece of EU-wide legislation which will determine how people's personal data is processed and kept safe and the legal rights individuals have in relation to their own data.

As public organisations, schools (and academies) are required to comply.


Hunts Cross Primary school has strong data protection policies in place which are in line with GDPR. We already highly value and protect all of our student, parents and staff data and will continue to do so in the presence of GDPR.


As a parent/carer you may receive some letters from us regarding GDPR. Some of those may be about consent and some about updating your information with us. We would appreciate it if you would read all information you receive and send back any relevant documents back to school. The information provided is transfered onto our electronic SIMS system. Once a pupil has left our school, all data is destroyed appropriately as required. However, we are required to keep some information which includes Child Protection and SEND information. This is a legal requirement. These documents are stored securely for the required period of time and are then destroyed appropriately.


For further information about GDPR please visit the ICO website.

GDPR Mind Map for Parents

GDPR Mind Map for schools visually shows the various tasks and key areas to understand in preparation to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations which will be enforced in May 2018. The video is fun to watch and through graphics tells a vital story of a school's GDPR journey.
