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Welcome to Receptionsmiley

We are now in our final term in Reception, what a wonderful year we have had so far but don't worry we still have a lot more fun and learning coming up!


You have all worked so hard and it has been fantastic to watch each and every one of you grow and develop over the year.


This Term we are looking forward to:

  • Our class trip to Farmer Ted's
  • Den building in forest school with Year 5
  • Our new weekly visits to the ICT suite
  • Our Royal Wedding Garden Party
  • Yoga classes
  • Forest school BBQ
  • Sports Day

                                                         …. and so much more!!


As always, a big thanks to all the parents and carers for your continued support. Let's make this final term our best one yet!


Miss McDaid & Mrs Hindley 





All children who are in Team Wiggans or Team Ennis will have their celebration afternoon on Wednesday 11th July. Children in these teams can come to school wearing their own clothes on Wednesday.

Well done!

What an exciting start to our week!

What's in the eggs?

Some of our Eggcellent guesses! 

"It could be a dragon that flew in the window!"


"It could be parrot eggs because they are colourful like a parrot's feathers"


"Maybe they are dinosaur eggs"


"Do Aliens lay eggs?"

Latest Fun in Reception


Forest school

the royal wedding garden party

Thank you to all the parents who accompanied us to Farmer Ted's Adventure Park. We hope you had as much fun as we did! smiley

Famer Ted's Adventure Park

Reception Curriculum Overview

The children will work towards these learning outcomes through a mix of adult led and child initiated activities.

Term 3


Topics will include: Spring/Summer, Growing, Celebrations and Traditions, Stories and Traditional Tales. Further topics will arise according to the children’s interests.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

· Children learn to play co-operatively, taking turns with others. They take account of one another’s ideas about how to organise their activity. They show sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings, and will form positive relationships with adults and other children.

· Children are confident to try new activities, and say why they like some activities more than others. They are confident to speak in a familiar group, will talk about their ideas, and will choose the resources they need for their chosen activities. They say when they do or don’t need help.

· Children learn to talk about how they and others show feelings, talk about their own and others’ behaviour, and its consequences, and know that some behaviour is unacceptable. They work as part of a group or class, and understand and follow the rules. They learn to adjust their behaviour to different situations, and learn to take changes of routine in their stride.

Communication and Language

· Children will be able to listen attentively in a range of situations. They learn to listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions. They can give their attention to what others say and respond appropriately.

· Children learn to follow instructions involving several ideas or actions. They will develop confidence when answering ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences and in response to stories or events

· Children learn to express themselves effectively, showing awareness of listeners’ needs. They will be developing their ability to use past, present and future forms accurately when talking about events that have happened or are to happen in the future.

Physical Development

· Children will develop good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. They practise moving in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. They will learn to handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing.

· Children will learn the importance for good health of physical exercise, and a healthy diet, and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe. They will continue to manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs successfully, including dressing and going to the toilet independently.


· Children will aim to read and understand simple sentences. They will learn to use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They will also read some common irregular words. 

· Children will also learn to use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They will also write some irregular common words. They will aim to write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others.


· Children will learn to count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. They will learn to add and subtract and solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.

· Children will continue to use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems. They will practise recognising, creating and describing patterns. They will continue to explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.

Understanding the World

· Children will be given opportunities to talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members. They will learn about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions.

· Children will learn about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. They will learn about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another. They will continue to make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes.

· Children will continue to recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. They will select and use technology for particular purposes.

Expressive Arts and Design

· Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them. They safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.

· Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes. We will continue to  develop their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role play and stories.

Religious Education

New beginnings


Our Planet- Recycling

Religious celebrations





**Reminder for all parents/carers**

Parent Teacher conferences will be held on Wednesday 21st March. Please see your child's teacher to confirm your time slot. We look forward to seeing you all there.


Thank you to everyone who made it to our special afternoon tea party. We hope you had a lovely afternoon. The children were very proud to show you what they had been working on in school and it was great to see so many of you!



Fun in the snow

Still image for this video
Having a wonderful time exploring the snow!

Fun in the Snow

Still image for this video
Making a snow angel!

Snow Fun!

Learning is fun!

NSPCC Number Day

Exploring this week

Number Day! Friday 2nd February 2018. **Non uniform day**

Retelling a story...Can you guess which one?

Scene 1


Scene 2


Scene 3


scene 4


scene 5


Scene 6


Scene 7


Scene 8


Scene 9


Scene 10


Scene 11




Scene 13


**Useful links!!**


Some parents have asked for advice on educational games/ websites that they can use at home with their child.

These are a few suggestions that we use in school and they are popular with the children. Why not have a go and have some fun! smiley


To help with reading and phonics why not check out the games on these links:


Your child might also like to play the great number games you can find by following these links:




Busy in and out of class!


Reception reading meeting for parents and Reception teachers.

Where: Computer Suite (Please sign in and out at main office)

When: Friday 26th January @ 2:45pm - 3:15pm






We will start sending an additional book alongside the story book we send every Friday. This will be your child’s reading book for them to read with you.  This will support your child with their reading and will help us to promote a love of stories and books within your child.

Some of the books are aimed at helping your child with beginning to read. There may be letters or words on the page that they can practise sounding out and you can discuss what is happening in the pictures.

As your child’s reading progresses they will be expected to read more independently. At first they will need a lot of support.

If you have any questions regarding these reading books, please feel free to come and speak with your child’s teacher.


**Useful Tips for reading at home**

  • Have a special place or a certain time when you read together. 
  • Praise, praise and praise some more!
  • Ask Questions about the story as your read it e.g. What is the story about? Why did that happen? What do you think will happen next? What was your favourite part of the story? Why? Who was your favourite character? Can you find the sound…./ word….?
  • Play ‘I Spy’ games. Can you find a picture of a …?  How many … can you see? Can you find words beginning with…?
  • Make it fun! Give characters funny voices and engage with the pictures. Make a game out of finding words that rhyme or start with the same sound.
  • Get creative by using reading to inspire drawings or new stories.
  • Visit a public library and find the books you loved as a child to read together.


                                                  Have Fun!




Happy New Year 2018!

Welcome back to Reception for the beginning of our second term. What a busy first term we all had; settling in, making new friends, learning and having fun!


This half term we will start by diving into the story of the 'Three Little Pigs'. The children watched the Year 5 and Year 6 drama group perform this before the holidays and they loved it. They can't wait to get stuck in and try some role-play activities for themselves! 


We will be continuing to build upon our phonics skills so we can keep progressing with our reading and writing skills. In maths we will be using every opportunity to use numbers and shapes in our play and build upon the skills we developed last term. 


Keep an eye on the page for upcoming events, news and photos. 


As always, thank you for your continued support.


The Reception team smiley








Reception Curriculum Overview

The children will work towards these learning outcomes through a mix of adult led and child initiated activities.

Term 2


Topics will include: Winter/ Spring, Celebrations and Traditions, Stories and Traditional Tales. Further topics will arise according to the children’s interests.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Following the class/ school rules and routines.

Following rules of expected behaviour in school.

Build on relationships with friends and communicate with both adults and children.

Play co-operatively, turn-taking and sharing.

Learn about Feelings- what makes us and other people feel happy, sad, excited, nervous etc.

Ask for help if needed and talk about own wants, needs, interests and opinions.

Explain own knowledge and understanding, and ask appropriate questions of others

Describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities.

Communication and Language

Maintain attention, concentrate and sit quietly during appropriate times.

Listens to and responds to instructions.

Listen and respond to ideas expressed by others in conversations or discussions.

Extends vocabulary and explores the meaning of new words.

Use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences in play situations.

Use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events.

Introduce a storyline or narrative into their play.

Follow a story without the use of pictures or props


Physical Development

PE- using equipment to throw, catch, kick, pat and push.

Use bikes, scooters, balls, hoops, ropes and balancing equipment in the outdoor area.

Use simple tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control.

Use a pencil and hold it effectively. Begin to form recognisable shapes/ letters.

Begin to undress/ dress for PE and zip up coats independently.

Negotiate space successfully when playing racing and chasing games with other children, adjusting speed or change direction to avoid obstacles.

Travel with confidence and skill around, under, over and through balancing and climbing equipment.

Eat a healthy range of foodstuffs and understand need for variety in food.

Show understanding of the need for safety when tackling new challenges, and consider and manages some risks.



Demonstrate an understanding of rhyme.

Phonics- beginning to recognise letter sounds, beginning to show understanding for blending to read words and segmenting to spell words.

Begins to read words and/ or captions.

Enjoy an increasing range of books.

Write own name and other things such as labels and captions.

Begin to read words and simple sentences.

Attempt to write short sentences in meaningful contexts.




Number recognition, counting and ordering objects (up to 10, 20).

Estimation of objects and accurate counting.

Practical addition and subtraction.

Use of correct language involved in adding and subtracting.

Say 1 more/ 1 less than a given number.

Recognition of 2D and 3D shapes and the use of mathematical terms to describe shapes and their properties.

Understanding and use of positional language- under, behind, next to, in front etc.

Explore and gain understanding of pattern, weight, height, time and money through practical activities.

Understanding the World

Looking at patterns, similarities and change.

Learn about materials and their properties.

Learn about traditions and celebrations across different faiths.

Complete activities on the smartboard and iPad.

Explore and use the beebot for various challenges.

Expressive Arts and Design

Introduction of a story or narrative to role play.

Choosing colours for a purpose in a range of painting and workshop activities.

Construct with a purpose in mind, selecting tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble and join materials for in activities on the carpet, outdoor area and workshop.


Religious Education

New beginnings


Our Planet- Recycling

Religious celebrations- New Year, Easter, Saints days

End of term fun!


Well done to all the children in Reception for a fantastic Christmas performance this week.  You were all little superstars!smiley 


Thank you to all the parents for coming to show your support. We hope you enjoyed the show. 






Exploring Winter

Keeping busy in Reception

Autumn Fun

Next week we will be exploring the season of Autumn. Have a look on your way to school each day to see if you can spot any signs of Autumn. 



A fun week in Reception!

Our First Week

Well done on a great start to your school year Reception! 


RS and RM have had a great week and settled in nicely. We look forward to spending the next few weeks getting to know each other. Check out the photos showing the children keeping busy this week!

Welcome to Reception

We hope you have had a lovely time over the summer and I am sure you are now ready to start the new school year, welcome to Reception!

We are looking forward to working together so that we have a very exciting and productive year. We would like to say a very big welcome to the new children and their families that are joining us at Hunts Cross Primary School this year. I hope that you enjoy the new challenges and approaches to learning that Reception has to offer.


Reception Term Times

Children will start school on….

Monday 11th September (mornings only) 8.55- 11.50am (no dinner)

Monday 18th September (mornings only) 8.55- 11.50am (no dinner)

Monday 25th September (full time) 8.55- 3.15am (dinner provided)


Parents are reminded that appointments with the class teacher will start from Monday 11th- Tuesday 12th September (afternoon).


We look forward to seeing you in your uniform. Don’t forget to label all your items as we do not want you to lose anything!

Children are encouraged to bring a named water bottle every day and wellies to keep in school for outdoor learning.


We will be getting to know each other in the first few weeks.

During the first half term we will be finding out about ourselves and what interests we have.  We will also be starting to explore the changing season of Autumn.


The website will be updated regularly so keep checking it to see how the children are doing.  We will add some photos at the end of their first week in Reception.  


We look forward to your support this year.

Mrs Spreadbury & Miss Mc Daid




Our Topic Overview


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Seasons-Autumn & Winter.



Celebrations & Traditions.

Celebrations & Traditions.

Celebrations & Traditions.

All About Me

New Life

Growing and Keeping Healthy.












These are a broad outline of some of the topics we will cover this year in Reception. We will add topics and themes to our weekly plans based on the children’s interests and needs.

Reception Curriculum Overview

The children will work towards these learning outcomes through a mix of adult led and child initiated activities.

Term 1

Topics will include: All about me, Autumn and Winter, Celebrations and Traditions. Further topics will arise according to the children’s interests.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Learning the class/ school rules and routines.

Learning expected behaviour in school.

Making new friends and communicating with both adults and children.

Playing co-operatively, turn-taking and sharing nicely.

Feelings- what makes us and other people feel happy, sad, excited, nervous etc.

Asking for help and beginning to talk about own wants, needs, interests and opinions.



Communication and Language

Maintains attention, concentrates and sits quietly during appropriate times.

Listens to and responds to instructions.

Listens and responds to ideas expressed by others in conversation or discussion.

Extends vocabulary and explores the meaning of new words.

Uses language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences in play situations.

Uses talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events.

Introduces a storyline or narrative into their play.



Physical Development

PE- using equipment to throw, catch, kick, pat and push.

Dance- exploring different ways of dancing

Use bikes, scooters, balls, hoops, ropes and balancing equipment in the outdoor area.

Use simple tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control.

Uses a pencil and holds it effectively to begin to form recognisable shapes/ letters.

Begin to undress/ dress for PE and zip up their coat independently.




Shows and understanding of rhyme.

Phonics- beginning to recognise letter sounds, beginning to show understanding for blending to read words and segmenting to spell words (Letters and Sounds).

Begins to read words and/ or captions.

Enjoys an increasing range of books.

Writes own name and other things such as labels and captions.



Number recognition, counting and ordering objects (up to 10, 20).

Estimation of objects and accurate counting.

Practical addition and subtraction.

Use of correct language involved in adding and subtracting.

Say 1 more/ 1 less than a given number.

Recognition of 2D shapes and use mathematical terms to describe shapes and their properties.

Understanding and use of positional language- under, behind, next to, in front etc.

Explore and gain understanding of pattern, weight, height, time and money through practical activities.

Support with Numicon.

Understanding the World

Learn about the 5 senses and what we use them for.

Learn about traditions and celebrations across different faiths.

Learn different facts about animals.

Complete activities on the smartboard and iPad.

Explore and use the beebot for various challenges.

Expressive Arts and Design

Introduction of a story or narrative to role play.

Choosing particular colours for a purpose in a range of painting and workshop activities.

Can construct with a purpose in mind, selecting tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble and join materials for in activities on the carpet, outdoor area and workshop.


Religious Education

New beginnings


Famous People- who work hard- good morals- Athletes (Ennis, Farah, Simmonds, Wiggins).

Our Planet- Harvest.

Religious celebrations- Diwali, Christmas.

