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Week Beginning 13/07/20


Good morning Reception,


Please find below your final week's planning for Reception year! You have all been fabulous 'Stay at Home Superheroes'.


We have also added some transition activities for you to do with your child in preparation for them returning to school and a new class in September. There are also some maths and phonics activity mats that you could use over the Summer holidays if you would like to.


We wish you a safe and happy Summer Holiday and we look forward to seeing you in and around school in September.


Happy Holidays


Mrs. Spreadbury and Miss Black



For information regarding Phonics, please click on the following link: 

Final week's planning

Week Beginning 06/07/20


Good Morning Reception,


Please find below this weeks' home learning planning with links to websites. You are real 'Stay at Home Heroes'!


Keep staying safe.


Mrs. Spreadbury and Miss Black

Week Beginning 06/07/20 Planning

Week beginning 29/06/20


Good morning Reception,


We hope that you are all okay and enjoying your time at home. Please find this weeks' home learning below. 



Weekly home learning plan 29/06/20

For those children returning to school on Thursday, please find below a story to share with a grown up. There are lots of discussion points as to what things may have changed and what things will be the same. It's a lovely story to prepare the children for their return.


We hope you enjoy it.


Looking forward to seeing you soon.


Mrs. Spreadbury and Miss Black

Week beginning 22/06/20


Good morning Reception,


We hope you are enjoying your home learning activities.

Please find below this weeks' plan including links to websites for resources.

Have fun!!


Mrs. Spreadbury and Miss Black 

Week beginning 15/06/20


Good morning Reception,


Please find this weeks' home learning plan and supporting power points, these power points work best as a slideshow, just open up power point and select slide show from the top task bar.


We hope you enjoy these activities.


Take care


Mrs. Spreadbury and Miss Black

Week beginning 08/06/20


Good morning Reception,


We hope you are all keeping safe and well. Please find below your weekly timetable of activities along with resources that you will need. We hope you are enjoying the activities set, remember you can upload any photographs on our twitter page so that we can take a look at what you are up to. 


On Tuesday it is 'Empathy Day' an activity has been included on the plan based on this, if you would like to complete any further activities based on this theme, there are some lovely ideas on the link below:


We hope you have a lovely week of fun learning at home.


Take care and stay safe.


See you soon.


Mrs. Spreadbury and Miss Black



Good afternoon Reception,

We are still unsure as to the exact date that Reception children will be returning to school. Next week is half term, so we would like you to spend more fun time with your families.

As of the 1st June, we will be updating the website year group page with more detail and structure to your home learning, this will also be the format used in school for those key worker/ vulnerable children that will be in school.


The first weeks planning and resources are below. If you do not have access to a computer or tablet and require a paper copy, please telephone the school office and we can prepare one for you.  


Again, if you require and help or support with the home learning activities, please do not hesitate to contact school,  we will be only to happy to help.


Have a lovely Half-term break everyone. Stay safe until we meet againsmiley


Mrs. Spreadbury and Miss Black

WB 18/05/20


Good morning Reception, we hope that you are all staying safe at home. Just a couple of links for things that you can have a go at whilst at home.


Below is a link to STEM's new CREST home learning activity library. There are some great ideas for projects at home!


You can follow 'Science at home with Mrs B' who has some really great science experiments for you to try, they are really fun and easy to do - there is also a science sheet which explains the science behind the experiment.


For the mathematicians why not try the 'Sumaze' app to download on a tablet/pc lots of problem solving maths activities to challenge you! Or why not try some 'NRICH' eyfs problem solving together.


Take a look at Nicola Aanonson-Rawlings who you can follow on youtube for some fabulous outdoor learning activities which you can try either in your garden or whilst out and about.


Remember, you can post photographs of your activities on the school's Twitter page, we would love to see them!!


Take care, stay safe.


Mrs. Spreadbury and Miss Black




Check out the link below for some Charanga/ Yumu music activities for Reception! Your logins are attached in a word document. Go to RB or RS and find your initials to access your logins (Children will need help to log in).


Love from Mrs Barnes

Week Beginning: 20/04/20


Good morning Reception,


We hope that you have had a lovely Easter spent safely at home with your families.

Below are some Summer term fun activities for you to complete with your grown up whilst you are at home.




Summer Term Home Learning Activities


1. Can you practise adding and subtracting numbers to 20?

2. Can you practise doubling and halving numbers within 20?



Can you do both of the above beyond 20?



Focus sounds: 'ow' 'oi' 'ear'

1. Can you practise writing/saying these sounds

2. Can you write a word using the sound? brown, coin, tear

3. Can you put the word into a sentence? The coin is brown.

4. Play a game of bingo using these sounds with a family member.


Remember to use phonicsplay and phonics bloom to support you with your phonics home learning.

Below is a phonics mat to help practise/revise sounds learnt so far.


You can follow us on twitter and also send us pictures of you completing your activities.


There are also lots of activities online including bbc bite size, Alastair Bryce Clegg and our all time favourite Jack Hartmann on you tube, who has a song and exercise for just about everything!!


If you require any assistance or advice/support from your teacher, you can email the school office and these will then be forwarded to your teacher, who will be more than happy to help yessmiley.


Make sure you stay and home and keep safe and hopefully we will see you all very soon.


Take care.

Mrs. Spreadbury and Miss Black

Good Morning Reception

Wk beg. 30/03/20


We hope that you are staying at home and keeping safe and well, spending quality time with your family whilst completing your home learning tasks.


Below are some additional activities for you to complete.

Maths: Focus number 12

1. Can you practise writing the number 12?

2. Collect 12 objects.

3. Can you use your 12 objects to find different ways to make 12?



Can you sort your objects into sets of 2, 3, 4? How many of each do you have?



Focus sounds: 'ar' 'or' 'ur'

1. Can you practise writing/saying these sounds

2. Can you write a word using the sound? car

3. Can you put the word into a sentence? The car is red.

4. Play a game of bingo using these sounds with a family member.


Remember to use phonicsplay and phonics bloom to support you with your phonics home learning.


You can follow us on twitter and also send us pictures of you completing your activities.


Stay safe Reception and have fun whilst you play and learn. 


See you all soon


Mrs. Spreadbury and Miss Black

Hi everyone,

I hope you are keeping well at home and staying safe, remember to carry on with your packs. If you have not already collected a pack, they are still available at the school office.

During this time, we will update the class page with any extra activities you can be doing.

Joe Wickes is providing a PE slot at 9.00am each morning on youtube. Remember to enjoy the sunshine in your back garden and play, play, play!!!


Mrs. Spreadbury and Miss Black


Thank you for attending our Stay and Play

Number Day fun!

Chinese New Year

French Day in Reception



Our Topic Overview


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3


Seasons-Winter & Spring


Celebrations & Traditions.

Celebrations & Traditions.

Celebrations & Traditions.

All About Me

New Life

Growing and Keeping Healthy.


Topics will arise according to the children's interests. We believe in following the children's interests to springboard our topics for the week. So look out for lots of interesting learning going on!


Welcome to Reception

The children have settled well during their first half term, making lots of friends and starting their life-long learning journey.


Book bags 

Book bags are to be brought to school every Wednesday. Book bags will be sent home every Friday with a library book that we recommend that you read to your child. They will also bring home their learning log with a home/school activity for you to complete together (be an active member of dragon club). This will be based around your child's learning in school. Learning logs will be shared with the class each week.


Water bottles 

Water bottles are to be brought to school daily and can be kept in school as they are refilled daily. 

PE Kits 

PE kits will need to be in school after the half term. These will be sent home at the end of each half term for washing. PE kit is a white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps. As the weather is now changing, can you please ensure your child has a pair of wellies and a waterproof coat.



Children are able to bring in a snack from home. Please note this snack must only be an item of fruit. 



**Useful links!!**


Some parents have asked for advice on educational games/ websites that they can use at home with their child.

These are a few suggestions that we use in school and they are popular with the children. Why not have a go and have some fun! 


To help with reading and phonics why not check out the games on these links:


Your child might also like to play the great number games you can find by following these links:


If you have any concerns regarding your child you can speak to the class teacher before or after the school day.


Mrs. Spreadbury and Miss Black

October fun

Stay and Play

Many thanks to all our parents who attended our first 'Stay and Play' a good time was had by all. Remember, if you have any questions at all regarding early reading, please ask.

Visit from the Dental Nurse



Happy New Year to you all! 

The children have had a busy first week back after the holidays and have settled back into school. They have enjoyed catching up with their friends and sharing their Christmas news.


Just a few reminders:

All children will bring home a reading book on a Friday, please return once your child has read it, can you please record comments in the reading log. It is important that you listen to your child read to you on a daily basis and are rewarded with lots of praise and encouragement. This will develop your child's fluency in reading.smileyyes

We will be sending words home for you to practise reading and writing with your child. This will help your childs' writing skills.

Dragon Club homework books will still be returned on a Wednesday as usual. 

P.E. is still on a Thursday, can you please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school.

Water bottles are to be taken home at the end of each day and refilled.

A Stay and Play based on early number activities will be held this half term, date to follow.


This term the children will be exploring the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood' for Literacy which will then lead into Traditional Tales. If you can share a traditional tale at home or send in the book for us all to share that would lovely.

In maths we are counting objects reliably to 20, recognising and ordering numbers to 20.

We will be exploring our local environment.

