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The Masked Reader - Answers Revealed

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How many did you get right?

World Book Week

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Can you guess the teachers behind the masks? Which mask is your teacher behind? Have a guess and post your answers onto the school Twitter account. Answers will be revealed tomorrow! Good luck!


Reading follows a book banded approach using books from the following Oxford Reading Tree scheme. Children are advised to read a few pages every day at home to an adult. 

Children who are accessing Phonics, will o take a Phonics book home each week and a reading for pleasure book. When children are secure with Phonics, they take a banded book and a reading for pleasure book home.


All English lessons, foundation subjects and Science are taught through a high quality text approach ensuring all children are accessing a wide range of texts.


Reading for pleasure is a priority at our school. All classes listen to their class teacher read a high quality text at the end of each day.


Every day, children take part in shared reading lessons. Here, the children will cover at least two non- fiction texts, one poetry and two fiction texts per half term. During shared reading lessons, children will also be exposed to a wide vocabulary.


Children also have access to Bug Club which is an online reading tools to support children.


Well done to all of the children who took part in the Readathon. We raised £960! This is the most we have ever raised and we would like to thank all of your friends and families for supporting you with your reading challenge! With this money, brand new books will be given to children's hospitals across the United Kingdom and 20% of the money will go towards books for our school. Again, well done to you all!

