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Year 1

Summer 1

Class Dojo

Remember to have your notifications turned on for Class Dojo! This is the best way to keep up to date with our class journey. 



Each Friday the children will be set homework to be completed by the following Wednesday. Homework will include; spellings, maths and phonics.


Spellings/Spelling Shed

Spelling tests will take place on Fridays.

Spelling Shed is an online platform the children can use to practise their spellings in a fun and engaging way. You will receive login details ASAP. Each week the class teacher will set weekly spelling assignments. More information will follow.


Reading Books/Book Bags

Reading books will be changed on Fridays so it is vital that all book bags are brought to school on a Friday.


Reading is a huge part of year one and we encourage you to be reading with your child as much as possible. The children will receive; a phonics book for them to read independently and a reading for pleasure book to share with their adult at home.

Please note we do not expect children to read the full book in one sitting, two or three pages a night is enough.


We expect the reading log to be signed by an adult at least three times a week. You need to write the title of the book, the pages that have been read and a comment on your child’s progress. Children who achieve this within the week will be rewarded on a Friday.



PE this half term has changed to a Friday! Children are to come to school on Friday's wearing the appropriate clothing for PE. This should include; white t-shirt, black shorts or joggers, black pumps and their school cardigan or jumper. PE this half term will be delivered by a specialist sport coach.


Water Bottles

Please ensure your child has a water bottle in class. These will be sent home at the end of each day.


Milk and Snack

Only those eligible for free school meals are entitled to free milk. Those who are not eligible can pay for milk, more information can be given at the school office about this.

Children are able to bring in a snack from home. Please note this must only be an item of fruit.



Please ensure your child’s belongings are labelled clearly with their name and their class. Especially cardigans and jumpers.


Phonics Screening Check

This year your child with sit their phonic screening check. This is a government requirement to assess their reading ability. Phonics is a huge part of year one and gives them the foundations they need to succeed in end of KS1 SATS.  More information will follow about this but again we ask you to read as much as possible at home.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask :) 

Thank you for your support, we look forward to an exciting year ahead!


The Year One Team

