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Look at what we have planned for the next few months.

Chinese New Year 28th January.

This year is the year of the rooster so the children will be looking at roosters and maybe some other farm animals. We will also be making Chinese dragons, encouraging the children to use college materials to make their own Chinese dragons, also using a large box to make a dragon head for children to do their own dragon dancing. The children will be offered some Chinese food for them to taste. The children will be shown how to use chopsticks, and encouraged to have a go. Chinese letters and words will be available in the writing area and the children will be encouraged to have a go at making their own Chinese marks.

Links to Early Years Foundation stage – understanding the world, Physical development, expressive art and design.


Bird feeding month – February

February is national bird-feeding month the children will be learning about what birds eat and how they find their food, we will use books and other resource to help the children understand about this process. Also the children will be given the opportunity to make some bird-feeders for them to either take home or display in the nursery garden.

Links to Early Years Foundation stage – understanding the world, Literacy, expressive art and design.


National Story telling week 29th January – 4th February

"Storytelling can be found enriching lives everywhere. The sharing between teller and listener empowers, feeding the imagination from one generation to the next." – The society for storytelling.

During this week the children with be listening to all different stories, we will talk with the older children about how stories are structured encouraging them to make up their own stories by giving them prompts, e.g. Who is your story about? These stories will be shared with the child’s parents and you will be encouraged to share some favourite stories at home and even make up some stories together. Younger children will enjoy listening to some favourite stories both from home and nursery, why not bring in your favourite book?

Links to Early Years Foundation stage – Literacy, communication and language, expressive art and design.


Valentine’s Day 14th February 2015

During this time the children can take part in creative activates making cards or gifts for their families if they wish to. We will talk about colours and mixing colours making different shades light and dark, pink purple etc. we will talk with children about friendships and being kind to each other. We will also read stories such as “guess how much I love you” and “no matter what”.

Links to Early Years Foundation stage – personal social and emotional development, expressive art and design, literacy.


Fat Thursday, ’Tłusty Czwartek’ 23rd February

A day for eating doughnuts, or Polish pączki, as well as sweet pastry twists known as chusty, or faworki and as much sweet food as you can get your hands on. This gives us a chance to celebrate a festival from another culture with the children in nursery. Talk to the children about other cultures and family traditions.

Links to Early Years Foundation stage – Physical development, understanding the world.


Shrove Tuesday 28th February

Shrove Tuesday marks the beginning of lent for children who celebrate Easter. The children will be encourage to mix their own batter using small trays. We will talk to children about texture, encouraging younger children to enjoy the sensory experience.  The children will then be given the opportunity to taste some pancakes if they wish. We will talk with the children about safety when cooking and the joy of joining in with family traditions.

Links to Early Years Foundation stage – physical development

World book day 2th March

The children will be invited to dress as their favourite book character, or in any fancy dress costume. They will be given a book tokens to take home and use to buy a brand new book. The children will be asked to share their favourite books from home and talk about why they like the book. At home parents take children to local libraries where they could explore a wide range of books. 

Links to Early Years foundation stage – literacy, expressive art and design, personal social and emotional development.


Holi festival 13th March

Holi is a festival that welcomes the spring, which also celebrates Krishna, and the legend of Holika and Prahalad. Bonfires are lit to celebrate. Activities for this festival will include, colour mixing, exploring colours, the children will be invited to dress in as many colours as they can for that day. Be prepared for a messy day full of wonderful paints and all different colours. 

Links to Early Years Foundation stage – expressive art and design, physical development, understanding the world


World poetry day 21st March

On this day we will be sharing poems and rhymes with the children talking about rhyming words and alliteration. Younger children can enjoy learning some new nursery rhymes and sharing some favourite nursery rhymes.  

Links to Early Years Foundation stage – Literacy, communication and language.


Mother’s day 26Th March

The children will be given the opportunity to make cards for whoever they want for mother’s day. Older children will be encouraged to make their own marks inside the card writing their name on the back to identify it. We will talk with the children about our mothers and other female carers. Also read books such as ‘no matter what’ and ‘guess how much I love you’.

Links to Early Years Foundation stage – personal social and emotional development, literacy, expressive art and design, physical development. 

Sing and Sign

the children and parents in the baby room enjoyed a sing and sign session with Becky from Sing and Sign Liverpool. At the session the parents learnt a few baby signs to help their children with early communication. The nursery staff will now continue to develop the children's knowledge of baby sign and support parents by offering handouts with new signs for them to practice with their children at home.


here are some photographs of the session.

Lots of fun in nursery

As a nursery we are hoping to develop the woodland area over on the school playground into a mud kitchen and den building area. If you have any old pots, pans, spoons, or other apocopate kitchen utensils, old bed sheets pegs or rope that you would like to donate to the nursery please take them into your child’s room thank you.  


Here are some pictures of the children having fun exploring

