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British Values

Promoting the Fundamental British Values

Citizens of the UK are encouraged to

  • Respect and obey the law
  • Respect the rights of others, including their right to their own opinions
  • Treat others with fairness
  • Look after yourself and your family
  • Look after the area in which you live and the environment.


We believe that our mission statement, code of conduct and school values underpin the fundamental British Values. At Hunts Cross Primary School, we promote the fundamental British Values throughout our curriculum. We teach the National Curriculum, the local agreed syllabus for religious education and we have developed our own PSHE, collective worship and safety curriculum, which further prepares our children for life in modern Britain.

Our curriculum is designed to offer our children a broad and balanced curriculum. Our curriculum adds richness and enjoyment to our pupils’ learning, fostering their interest in the wider-world, its processes and history, its people and their societies; in the arts and culture; in computing and the digital world; and in sports and healthy lifestyles. Through these subjects our curriculum promotes values necessary to live in our society today. We deliver the National Curriculum in a way which is appropriate to our city, our local area and our school community. It is a curriculum that sets in place firm foundations to promote life-long learning and develops self- esteem, resilience and confidence of all pupils.

Further examples of how we promote these values and prepare our pupils for life in modern Britain can be seen in the curriculum plans published on our website. The following is a brief overview.


Early Years Foundation Stage

The Foundation Stage covers the development of children from the age of three to the end of the reception year. It recognises that early childhood is an important stage of life and has its own particular needs.

The Foundation Stage acknowledges the many valuable skills children have developed and the importance of the role that parents play in this. Children learn best from first-hand experience and learning is inter-related to help children to achieve to their full potential.

Children will begin school having had a range of different experiences and they will have learned a great deal, particularly from their families.


Key Stage 1 and 2 Curriculum

We have developed an enquiry based curriculum which is vocabulary rich. Subjects taught at Key-Stage 1 (5-7) and Keystage 2 (7-11) are: English, Maths, Science, Art and Design, Computing, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Music, RE, PHSE and P.E. Keystage 2 children are taught French.

 As with English, Maths and Science, we teach skills and knowledge leading to independent application. Year-on- year, these are built upon ensuring progression through the school. Opportunities to apply English and Maths skills are planned into foundation subjects. Curriculum maps are available from the subject pages providing further information.

Foundation subjects are assessed at the end of a unit of work using working towards, expected and greater depth criteria. This information is then used to plan for the further application of skills across the curriculum. Opportunities are provided to revisit skills to encourage a deeper understanding of concepts, embed 'sticky' knowledge and  refine specific skills.

Our curriculum is filled with first hand learning experiences, including visits to other settings, making good use of experts/visitors and subject specialists. Subject specialists who work at our school further enhance the experiences of the children, whilst also providing valuable CPD for the teaching staff. These include: Computing, Music, and PE.



