Home Page

Year 3

Home learning WB 13.7.20

Home learning wb 06.07.20

Home learning WB 29.06.20

Home learning WB 22.06.20

Home learning WB 15.06.20

3 Day timetable with links for home learning.

Home Learning Wellbeing Booklet

Literacy Counts Home Learning Pack


Check out the link below for some Charanga/ Yumu music activities for Year 3! Your logins are attached in a word document. Go to either class 3B or class 3M and find your initials to access your logins.


 Love from Mrs Barnes

Hello Year 3!

Hope you are all well and keeping safe whilst you are off!

Don't forget to keep active with  Joe Wicks  

Make sure you listen to your adults and keep your room tidy!

Hope you are all working through your  home learning packs and keeping your brain trained. Don't forget to try out some tasks that are set on Purple Mash. Just login and click on your 2Do tab and they will pop up.

I will also keep you up to date on our school Twitter page


We miss you, 


Miss Moore, Miss Marriott  & Miss Dunn


Some super websites to visit:

Science Spring - Light and Dark

Topic Spring - Natural Disasters

Meet The Teacher

Spring Term 2 2020 Class Page Year 3 


Hello and welcome back to Year 3. We hope you had a great  break and are ready for some fun and exciting learning this half term! We would like to give a few reminders to make sure you are ready for a great half term!

Every day you can earn lots of raffle tickets for good attendance and good behaviour. Also you can move up our zone board for excellent work, good attitudes and by following our school values. Help your class to gain a class reward by earning lots of STARS on our 100 star target board. If we are all in school, we can earn a star every day.Reach for the stars! You can do it!


Please make sure that you are wearing the correct school uniform each day. Wear your tie to look smart. You must only wear black school shoes- no trainers.

Physical Education

Indoor Kit - Shorts, T shirt, Pumps. PE kit should be brought in on Monday and taken home Friday. P.E this term will be focusing on dance. We will be creating and performing a sequence of movements.


All homework is set on Friday and should be brought back on Wednesday. Homework set will be Maths/English/Spelling. If children do not bring back their homework they will need a note from their grown-up to explain why or they can complete it at lunch time. Remember children can use Times Table Rockstars to help practise times table facts.


 Children should read at least 3 times a week and should read their school reading book. This needs to be written in planners and dated/signed by an adult. Children will receive raffle tickets for reading, so make sure you try and read as much as possible. Reading records are checked every Friday and if a child has not met the minimum expectation for reading they will attend catch up reading club on a Friday break-time.


 Weekly spellings are given out on a Friday to be tested the following Monday. The spellings follow the spelling patterns/rules that we focus on in Year 3. Remember children can use Spelling Shed to boost their knowledge.


Thank you for your continued support. Please check out Hunts Cross Twitter page to keep up with news.


Kind regards,


Miss Marriott and Miss Moore



