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English Statement of Intent 

At Hunts Cross all our pupils experience being taught English skills through a high-quality text approach. Our language rich curriculum enables pupils to be able to communicate effectively through speaking and listening, reading and writing. Every child is recognised as an individual who can reach their literary potential. They should complete their learning journey at our school having developed an appreciation for significant authors, a wide range of different types of poetry, non-fiction texts and a huge variety of fiction texts.

We aim for the highest standards in speaking and listening so that on leaving Hunts Cross, our pupils will be confident speakers to a variety of audiences and attentive, critical listeners.

In Reading we hope that our pupils will be able to read for meaning and enjoyment.

In Writing we aim to nurture each child’s creativity so that they have opportunities to express their ideas and convey their thoughts through words.

We strive to enable our pupils to be able to construct pieces of independent writing which reflect appropriate use of genre features, correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.


At Hunts Cross, our Professional Development to increase teacher subject knowledge and expertise is fundamental to our approach.

The English curriculum at Hunts Cross follows Read to Write. We use a quality text approach when delivering our English lessons and they are designed and taught using strategies to enable children to embed their learning in their long term memories. Clear and well thought out sequences of learning with key assessment tasks ensure that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before.

Ensuring the children are able to read with fluency and understanding so they are able to access all subject areas takes high priority, as does the focus on expanding the children’s vocabulary. We are consciously aware of gaps in pupils’ vocabulary and strive, through our planning and delivery of our curriculum, to allow all children to become confident and fluent with an extensive range of subject specific vocabulary. We are aware that this will increase their ability to comprehend and enjoy increasingly challenging texts.

We use a shared reading approach throughout the school. By using this approach, children will dive deep into a variety of texts throughout the half term. As a school, we ensure we cover fiction, non- fiction and poetry so that all children are able to get the full coverage of the curriculum.

Discrete lessons are delivered for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. Here, children build on their prior knowledge in order to progress. Children also have access to Spelling Shed and Reading Theory online to help support them with their English skills.

The progress of all children, including those with SEND and those in receipt of pupil premium funding, is closely monitored and the curriculum is designed to ensure that any identified gaps are closed. Assessment is used to embed knowledge, inform teaching and produce next steps for children.



By doing the above, here at Hunts Cross we aim to see all of our children:

  • are engaged in their English lessons
  • are challenged due to the high standards we set
  • are confidently recalling key knowledge from their previous areas of learning.
  • are confidently applying knowledge to their learning across the curriculum
  • are confidently using and applying high-level vocabulary
  • are articulate and confident to talk about a wide range of topics​​​​​​​


