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Year 5

Year 5 Summer21 2021 smiley


We hope that you have all enjoyed the half term break and are looking forward to the  last Summer term.  We must continue to keep up our handwashing and extra cleaning around class to keep everybody safe. 


Take a look at our overview for Summer 2 under 'What we will be learning' to see what you will be recapping and moving on to!  The summer term is about growing up and dealing with mature subject matter as you quickly head towards Year 6. In Topic, we will be continuing to learn about the Transatlantic Slave trade. . In Science, we will be looking at a topic called 'Living Things'. As well as lots of fun learning in other topic areas such as Art/DT weeks, RE, Music and PSHE. 


A big well done to those children who have been practising spellings on Spelling Shed and times tables on TT Rock stars!


Routines and Homework

You will have PE every Friday and must come into school in your PE. Remember to wear you school jumper or cardigan over it and a coat if it is cold. You will receive homework every Monday and it should be returned by Friday of the same week. It can be completed on Google Classroom instead if you wish.  The homework will be:

-English task,

-Spelling practise,

-Math task,

-Times table practice

You will also be given two reading books. One will be a levelled book to help improve your reading fluency and one will be a reading for pleasure book. You should be reading something- even just a paragraph every night will help improve your fluency. Remember that the more you read, the more you know, and the more you know, the more places you'll go!!!



Our Vehicle text in English is 'The Lost Book of Adventure'. Have you ever heard of it? It is very important that you keep up your basic skills by reading as much as possible and practising your grammar, punctuation and spellings. Also, the more that you practise your times tables, the quicker you will be able to access other areas of math. We will be recapping over skills that we have previous looked at. Particularly in place value, number and calculation.


We hope that you are well rested and enjoyed the break.  


Mrs Taylor and Mr Duxbury  xx


