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Year 3

Welcome back after the half term break.  The children have made a great start to 2018; keep it up! They have worked extremely hard fractions over the past couple of weeks and we are really proud of them.


We will begin this half term with our new Geography topic – Europe with a link to compass points. Our work in most other subjects will link to this topic. Our Art, DT and Computing lessons will further enhance this topic.


Upcoming events to look forward to are:

  • World Book Day
  • Science week
  • Looking at European artists
  • Orienteering
  • We are network engineers



Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be returned on a Wednesday. 

We would like to remind you that when homework is returned you will receive raffle tickets.


Spelling Homework will also be sent home. Please help your child to learn their spellings. We will be asking your child to spell these words throughout the week.


Reading books will be sent home on a Friday. Please listen to your child read and ask questions about what they have read. In their book bag, there is a reading record to fill in. Books should be returned when they are finished and will be replaced.



Year 3 will have PE on a Wednesday and a Friday.


Please make sure your child's PE kit is in school. These can remain in school until half term.


Water bottles

Each child should have a water bottle in class at all times.


Our School Values indecision

Remember to consistently demonstrate our school values of:

  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Self-belief
  • Determination
  • Passion
  • Teamwork
  • Equality
  • Excellence

There will be lots of raffle tickets rewarded .

We have uploaded some photographs of some of our highlights from last half term as we look forward to more fun-packed learning!


Spring 2 - Our first orienteering lesson - great fun!!

History - Designing Celtic woad patterns for a warrior

D.T. - Healthy Snacks selecting an using appropriate tools to make a sandwich, baguette or wrap (graters and knives)

History - Celtic homes - Weaving straws to make a round house, labelling a Celtic roundhouse

Science - Skeletons naming and labelling bones in our body, making a skeleton

Maths - Fractions, making fraction walls, finding equivalent fractions and fractions of sweets

English - Hot seating

Science - Making a magnetic fishing game

English - Plural possessive apostrophes

Year 3 Parliamentary debate - Should all children get pocket money and should they all receive the same amount?!

Investigating magnets - Science

Instructions - following instructions to decorate a biscuit - mmmm!!

We've had a busy couple of weeks in Year 3 - so far we've been time travellers, petrologists (studying rocks) and also investigating rocks, Paper Mache to start making our Ancient Egyptian Death Masks - very messy! Take a look

World Poetry Day

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To celebrate World Poetry Day Year 3 performed a poem that they had learnt to Year 4 and then Year 4 recited their poem to Year 3.