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Year 4

Welcome Back!

Welcome back year 4, I hope you all had a fantastic Easter.


This term will be learning about the Vikings to find out if they were vicious or victorious? We will be having lots of discussions, debates and we will investigate sources. We will look at Viking artefacts and explore what they were used for. We will also have fun art lessons where we will try and make a Viking long boat! Not to forget, we also have a fantastic trip planned to Tatton Park!

In English we have a new topic on Issues and Dilemmas, this will involve lots of hot seating, role plays and discussions. We will also look at play scripts and reading comprehensions to help with our reading skills. 

In Maths, we will focus on shapes, angles and coordinates. We will recap over fractions, time and place value to make sure we are ready for the end of year tests! Please remember to practice your times tables at home, play hit the button or even other games on TOPMARK to help you. 


Our Science topic this term will be on Electricity. We will look at what objects use electricity and how to built circuits with bulbs and buzzers. We will also look at what makes a good conductor and insulator. 

In year 4 we have swimming on Thursday afternoon, please make sure you bring in your swimming kits and towels. On Friday. PE kits are essential as we have lots of fun sports planned to help use prepare for Sports Day! 


From Miss Malik 


Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!