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Year 2

Home Learning WB 15.06.20

Empathy Day! Tuesday 9th June!

Take a look at the link below and have a go at the activities with your family! 

Hello Year 2,

We hope that you are well and staying safe at home. Below, we have left a list of links that you may find useful to complete at home during this time. 

Don't forget to access our school's twitter account as there are also many other suggested activities for you to do at home! You can also tweet us to show us everything that you have been doing! We would love to see! 

Miss Webster and Miss Starrett,6V7SN,HZ15Y2,RK5HD,1 - Great ideas for prjoects at home! - interactive maths activities and online lessons. It is important to follow the order as each lesson builds on from the previous lesson. - Lots of different activities available for children. Click on the Year group that you are in and then the choice is yours. Video tutorials can also be accessed to break down the learning for children. - An online classroom available for children and teachers. Click on the year group you belong to and follow the steps provided. There are many fun quizzes for you to try! - Lots of worksheets available to print here focusing on all areas of the curriculum. (Search Joe Wicks) - Each morning you can take part in Joe Wick's exercise lesson. All you have to do is copy what he does on his video! This will help to keep you healthy and active.


You could also time yourself doing the daily mile. Try to beat your time each day! - Lots of spelling activities for you to take part in. Remember, you are Stage 2! If you are doing really well, try EXTREME LEVEL! Once you have mastered this, why not try Stage 3 spelling lists? Challenge yourself! I will watch the leader board to see who is accessing the site and improving with their spellings! - It is really important to practise your times tables! When you are in Year 4, you will sit a times tables test. Why not use this time to go on TT Rockstars and practise as much as you can! I will be able to see the leader board to see which children are accessing the site and having a go. Remember, in Year 2, we would like you  to know your 2, 5 and 10 times tables. - This site supports parents with home learning and has many suggested activities. Lots of English activities for you to access on this site. Maths tutorials, worksheets and answers available for children each day. Each video teaches the children everything that they would have been doing at school during this time. - Lots of interactive Phonics games available for your child.  Buried treasure is a particular favourite! 



Check out the link below for some Charanga/ Yumu music activities for Year 2! Your logins are attached in a word document. Go to either class 2S or class 2W and find your initials to access your logins.


 Love from Mrs Barnes

Hi everyone!

I hope you are all keeping well at home and staying safe. Remember to continue to complete your work packs that you took home on Friday. If you were off last week, your work packs are in the office and can be collected at any time.


During this time off school, I will update this class page as well as Twitter with any resources/ ideas of activities that can be done at home. Joe Wicks is providing a half hour PE session every morning at 9 am which would be a great way to start your morning.


If you have any worries or questions, please email school at and Miss Milne will be able to forward the e-mail onto myself.


In the meantime, enjoy this period of 'working from home.' Keep yourselves safe!!


Finally, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank parents and carers for their support at this difficult time. 



Miss Starrett and Mrs Gibson

Spring 2

Welcome back! 

This half term, children will be reading a book called 'Grandad's Island' as part of their English unit. They will be working on developing their writing skills through writing expanded noun phrases. They will also be exploring the key features of a return story, describing a setting using their senses and writing a story independently using all of the skills they have acquired. 

Children will also be continuing with their weekly spelling tests so please ensure your child is accessing Spelling Shed from home. 


For Maths, the children will be working on multiplication and division. They will be exploring different ways to work out multiplication and division problems using a variety of techniques.

It is important for your child to know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We strongly recommend your child accessing TT Rockstars as much as possible at home. We give out certificates every week for children who are accessing both TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed at home. 

For Topic, children will be continuing with comparing England to Kenya. They will be comparing weather conditions, foods, homes and animals etc. 

For Science, children will be looking at everyday materials. They will look at the properties of materials and carry out investigations to improve their knowledge.

For PE, Year 2 will be working with an external sports coach so please ensure they have their PE kits in class each week.

Your child will continue to be given homework every Friday. They must bring their homework back on a Wednesday. If your child is unable to do homework at home, there is a homework club after school that they can attend on a Friday.

Finally, as this is such an important year, please ensure your child is reading at home as much as possible!

Many thanks for your continued support.

           SPRING TERM!



This half term, children will be reading a book called 'The Bog Baby' as part of their English unit. They will be working  on how to write a finding narrative and instructions. We are also going to be continuing with weekly spelling tests so please make sure your child is accessing Spelling Shed from home. 

For Maths, the children will continue to work on money problems. They will look at selecting money to make an amount. For example: How many ways can you make 30p? We will also be focusing on multiplication. It is important for your child to know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We strongly recommend your child accessing TT Rockstars as much as possible at home.

For Topic, children will be looking at comparing Kenya and England. Children will look at weather conditions, similarities and differences, maps, animals etc.

For Science, children will be looking at everyday materials. They will look at the properties of materials and carry out investigations to improve their knowledge.

For PE, Year 2 will be working with an external sports coach so please ensure they have their PE kits in class each week.

Your child will continue to be given homework every Friday. They must bring their homework back on a Wednesday. If your child is unable to do homework at home, there is a homework club after school that they can attend on a Friday.

Finally, as this is such an important year, please ensure your child is reading at home as much as possible!

Many thanks for your continued support.

P.E - Courage

The children in 2S had great fun learning all about courage this week through a range of games and activities. 


Quick reminder about P.E kits

Several children have not had their P.E kit with them at school since coming back from Christmas break. It is vital for health and safety reasons that children have their P.E kits in school ready for their P.E lessons every week. We are therefore asking that you ensure that your child has their full P.E kit available to them in school. We want to ensure that every child benefits fully from their P.E lessons and they are safe when doing so.


Thank you, 


Year 2

Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars winners!

Well done to our Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars winners in 2S this week! In order to be in with a chance to win a certificate, children must try their best to practice at home using the logins that were provided earlier in the year. The winners are based on who has been most active the previous week. You must be in it to win it! 




TT Rockstars:


Spelling Shed:


Good luck to our lucky winners next week! smiley






Science Spring 1 2020 - Materials

In Science this term we are exploring materials. Please use the knowledge mat provided to help your child to further their learning at home. In year 2 we love to see extended learning outside the classroom and look forward to see what you have been doing at home.

Thanks for your continued support,

Miss Starrett and Miss Webster

Topic Spring 1 2020 - Kenya

Year 2's current topic is 'Kenya'. The focus question for this topic is 'Where would you prefer to live: England or Kenya?' Please use the knowledge mat provided to support your child's learning at home. In Year 2, we love to see extended learning outside the classroom and look forward to see what you have been doing at home.

Many thanks,

Miss Starrett and Miss Webster.




Design and Technology day in Miss Starrett's class!

For Design and Technology day we designed and created posters that feature a sliding mechanism. Our focus for these posters links with our current topic which is 'Kenya'. We started by designing our poster and creating a success criteria to ensure they worked well. After that, we designed the background, chose our African animal and made the slider out of card. The children had a lot of fun making these!

Welcome to Year 2!

Below are some reminders that may be useful for parents throughout the year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Webster (class teacher) Miss Starrett (class teacher) or Miss Towers (teaching assistant).


Morning Whistle

The morning whistle will be blown at 8:55. Please do not leave your child on the playground alone until the whistle has been blown.

PE Kits

For this term, PE will take place on a Tuesday. Please ensure your child has their full PE kit in school every Tuesday. This will be monitored. Your child can leave their kit in school for the half term.


Homework is to be returned every Wednesday. Your child will be given a comprehension activity and a maths activity weekly. When your child takes their KS1 SATS exams in May, this will support them greatly.


Your child will be given a list of spellings every Friday. Your child’s spelling test will take place every Friday. This will fully prepare your child for when they take their KS1 SATS exams.

Reading Books

Reading books will be monitored daily. We will be looking to see how often your child is reading at home. We expect your child to read at least three times a week at home. Once your child has completed their book, it will be changed. Your child does not need to complete a book every night. Two or three pages a night is perfectly suitable.

Medical Information

Please let the school know if your child has any medical conditions we need to be aware of.

Milk Money

If you would like your child to receive a carton of milk at school each day, there is a cost which must be paid at the school office. As your child is over the age of five, he/she will not receive free milk anymore. Please visit if you would like your child to receive a daily snack.

Emergency Contact Form

Please ensure your emergency contact forms have been updated and given back to school as soon as possible.


Useful websites for your child:

Key Stage 1 SATS Exams

Your child will be taking exams towards the end of the year. The exams that your child will sit will be: Reading (Comprehension), Maths (Arithmetic and Reasoning) and Spelling Punctuation and Grammar.

Art Week in Miss Webster’s Class!

When children return to school after half term, our focus in Mathematics will be addition and subtraction (crossing tens), solving money problems and using different methods to solve multiplication questions.

In English, we will be following our Read to Write scheme of work and children will be learning how to write setting descriptions and diaries. There will also be a library visit this month.

In Science, we will be continuing to learn about living things and their habitats. Children will look closely at how plants and animals live in different habitats in order to survive.

In Topic, we will continue to look at the local area and focus on any changes that have been made since 1939. Children will be given the opportunity to interview an older person who went to school in the past and compare how schools have changed over the years. 

A huge focus this half term will be Handwriting and Spellings. If you would like to give extra support to your child at home, please speak to your child's class teacher and we would be more than happy to suggest ideas and activities that can make a huge difference.

Thank you for your continued support.

Year 2 enjoyed interviewing Mary today and learning about her school life.

Our Library Trip!

Both Year 2 classes teamed up today for our PSHE lesson. The topic we were discussing was loss and bereavement. The children heard a story about a badger that sadly passed away. We then discussed our feelings and how we can help people we know who have gone through a loss. The children came up with wonderful ideas showing compassion and empathy to others. 

Daily mile launch!

Road safety week!

Reading buddies!

Children in Need!

