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18th July 2016 - Nursery Graduation Day


This morning the children going to school in September have attended a special graduation party. The children performed some lovely songs to entertain their visitors! Each child received a certificate and a present. Good luck to all of our children in their new schools in September!


4th July 2016 - Ladybird Room Open Day & Sports Day


Children in Ladybird Room have had a very busy day today!


Parents and carers came in to see some of the activities we use when working on our listening skills and early phonics. There were letters hidden all around the Ladybird room and garden, there were even some hanging in the trees and floating in the water tray!! The children had a wonderful time showing off their skills.


We also held a mini sports day with the children and grown ups taking part in some races. Everyone tried their very best and had lots of fun! All the children and some of the grown ups were even awarded medals for their efforts!!


Thank you to all of the children and grown ups for making it such a fabulous day!! We hope you enjoy looking at the photos.
