Home Page

Year 3

Time to talk

Number Day was great fun!

We are Artists!

Parliament Week. We discussed how decisions are made and how voting works.

Click the link below to watch our wonderful videos:

Finding features in a text

Immersing ourselves in Mythical stories

Welcome back year 3! smiley

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas break and are ready to enjoy all the exciting learning activities ahead.

We will begin this term with our History topic – The Iron Age, where we will learn about life as a Celt Warrior. In Art we are studying the work of different artists such as Van Gogh and Monet. 

Our English skills will be developed by writing instructions and studying mystery texts, and in maths we are learning how to use units of measure and  solving lots of number problems.

We know you will be looking forward to our activities and try to work as hard as last term! 

This term we are especially trying to improve our attendance and punctuality, so please make sure that you are on time and in school every


Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be returned before the following Wednesday. 

When homework is returned your child will receive raffle tickets.


Spellings will also be sent home. Please help your child to learn their spellings. We will be asking your child to spell these words throughout the week.

A reading task and words to find the meaning of will be sent home every week.


Reading books will be sent home on a Friday. Please listen to your child read and ask questions about what they have read. In their book bag, there is a reading record to fill in. Books should be returned when they are finished and will be replaced.



Year 3 will have PE on a Monday and a Friday.


Please make sure your child's PE kit is in school. These can remain in school until half term.


Water bottles

Each child should have a water bottle in class at all times.


Children can bring in a healthy snack of fruit.


Our School Values indecision

Remember to consistently demonstrate our school values of:

  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Self-belief
  • Determination
  • Passion
  • Teamwork
  • Equality
  • Excellence

There will be lots of raffle tickets rewarded. Every week your child has the chance to be selected for Worker or Pupil of the Week. We are always pleased to celebrate children's work by choosing examples for our Golden Book.

Thank you for your continued excellent support with your child. smiley

Mrs Barnes, Ms Davis, Mrs Mannion

