Home Page


Hello Reception! We hope that all our families are staying safe, we are missing all your smiles.

Please find below a timetable for home learning activities. Please note these activities will be uploaded daily on Class Dojo with instructions on how to complete them. This will mirror what is being taught in school each day. Please upload a photograph of uploaded activities on the Portfolio page of Class Dojo. We will be approving evidence of completed work and rewarding Dojo points. It is important that you try your best to complete all the activities to ensure the children make progress with their learning.


We will be in contact via telephone and can be messaged through Dojo to answer any questions or queries you may have. The hours for this will be between 08.45 and 3.15 daily.


Thank you for your continued support during these difficult times.


Mrs. Spreadbury and Mjss Black

Time table week beginning 01.03.21

Time table week beginning 22.02.21

Time table week beginning 15.02.21

Time Table week beginning 08.02.21

Time table week beginning 01.02.21

Time Table week beginning 25.01.21

Time Table week beginning 18.01.21

Time table wk beg. 11.01.21
