Home Page

Year 1

Welcome back!

We hope that you had a brilliant Easter break and are looking forward to the Summer. This term our topic is 'Up, Up and Away!' How do you travel to school? Have you been on an aeroplane? How do you get to different places?


We love reading in Year One and read every day. Please read as much as possible at home to help you learn! Books are changed on a Tuesday and Friday and homework is given out every Friday. This can be returned by the following Tuesday.


PE kits should be kept in school until half term.

1T- PE is on a Friday (Yoga/ Athletics)

1J- PE is on a Tuesday (Dance)


Please have a look at the Maths and Phonics game links below!


Mrs Taylor and Miss Jennings


Did you know that we have good and bad microbes on our hands? We must wash our hands regularly so that we get rid of the bad microbes. We had fun shaking hands and looking at the germs under the UV light!

Up Up and Away!

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We made aeroplanes to send Philosophy bear on holiday far away!

Sound effects

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We are looking at interactive stories online and have created our own sound effects to one of our favourite stories!

Friendship :)

We went searching for deciduous and evergreen trees!

Science Week was a Blast!

An erupting volcano and a candle that drinks during Science week!

World Book Day!

We're planting broad beans and runner beans. Spring is on it's way!

Measure. Our bucket of sand weighed 1KG! What is heavier and lighter than it?

1J Awards - Catch A Compliment!

St Hildas Church Visit

NSPCC Number Day

Kitty Wilkinson! We went back in time!

1J enjoying the festivities

Christmas party in Year One!

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Capoeira- Brazilian Dancing

Instructing our Beebots and Beebots on the ipads.

Algorithms- We followed some intructions to find our stolen Pirate Ship!

Toys from long ago!

Fruit Kebabs!

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We have been learning how to film on the I pads. We thought that because we were making fruit kebabs in DT that we would film making them! ENJOY!!!
The Year 1 children enjoyed performing their poem to Year 2.  We tried really hard and enjoyed performing to an older audience!

Y1 Poetry Day

Poetry Day

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We have been reading a poem about a dinosaur for poetry day. Have a listen as we perform it!

Maths. We've been having races! 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th....

Computing- we have been writing the steps to make fruit kebabs and practising filming on the ipad.

DT- Testing fruit and vegetables
