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Year 5

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Summer term and possibly the most exciting term of all. Get ready for an intensive term of solid hard work - earn valuable raffle tickets for your teams by displaying any of our 'School Games Values': Determination, Self-Belief, Teamwork, Honesty, Passion and Respect.

Use the websites below like TOP MARKS - to build up speed and fluency in mental maths, and Sentence Doctor to help with your grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Don't wait for the SATs to come to you try a little revision now: we've included the sites below to make it really easy for you. Remember Mr Gray and I will reward you handsomely (with raffle tickets) if you attempt any questions at home. 

We've listed the online version of Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson for you to access, and will be looking at the life of Stevenson in our study of classic literature. 

LAST WEEK TO GET IN PERMISSION SLIP AND MONIES!   Year 4 and 5 have a trip organised for the 5th May, please can we ask that you return  money and letters to school as soon as possible. I have included a copy of the letter FYI below.

Keep the energy and let's make this the best school term yet,

Miss Ford and Mr Gray

Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!

Shakespeare week- Macbeth

5F performing the witches scene from Macbeth

Still image for this video