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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Below are some reminders that may be useful for parents throughout the year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of staff from the Year 2 team.


Phonics Screening Check

This term your child will be taking part in the phonics screening check. This is a statutory requirement as the children were unable to take part in this test in Year 1 due to Covid. We advise you read with your child as much as you can to further their chances of passing the test. Any children that do not pass the test will have to re-sit the test at the end of the school year. For more information about phonics, go to


Class Dojo

Children will be completing their homework via Class Dojo. Homework will be given out on a Friday and must be completed by a Wednesday. 


PE Kits

For this half term, PE will take place on a Monday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their  PE kit. As the weather gets colder, children are permitted to wear black tracksuit bottoms and a school jumper/cardigan. 



Your child’s spelling test will take place every Friday. This will fully prepare your child for when they take their KS1 SATS exams.


Reading Books

Reading records will be monitored weekly. We expect your child to read at least three times a week. Your child's book will be changed every Monday so please ensure that your child's books are in school. Your child does not need to complete a book every night, two or three pages a night is perfectly suitable.


Medical Information

Please let the school know if your child has any medical conditions we need to be aware of.


Milk Money and Snack

If you would like your child to receive a carton of milk at school each day, there is a cost which must be paid at the school office. As your child is over the age of five, he/she will not receive free milk anymore. Please visit if you would like your child to receive milk. 

Please ensure your child brings in a healthy snack. 


Emergency Contact Form

Please ensure your emergency contact forms have been updated and given back to school as soon as possible.


Key Stage 1 SATS Exams

Your child will be taking exams towards the end of the year. The exams that your child will sit will be: Reading (Comprehension), Maths (Arithmetic and Reasoning) and Spelling Punctuation and Grammar.


Year 2 Team.
