Hi Parents/Carers,
Please click the link below to visit the first of our 'end of year' celebrations- A Class of 2020 virtual Year Book!
The children have worked so hard to produce this. As some children have not returned to school, their friends wrote their pages and tried to find relevant photos from throughout the year. We hope you enjoy it!
Dear Parents/carers,
If you have any photos of your child either alone or with their friends from school from over the years (reception- Year 6) could you please send them into school? They can either be emailed to office@huntscross.liverpool.sch.uk or passed into school in an envelope. We are working on something special to say goodbye and good luck to our Year 6’s.
Many thanks,
Miss Bennett.
Hi Year 6!
Just some more Maths to keep you all busy as you know it's my favourite!
If you click on upper Key Stage 2 there are two weeks worth of interactive lessons. Make sure you follow the lessons in order as they follow on from each other.
Also, Purple Mash has been updated today with some Science and History activities to complete.
Hope you are all ok :)
Miss Bennett xx
Check out the link below for some Charanga/ Yumu music activities for Year 6! Your logins are attached in a word document. Go to 6B and find your initials to access your logins.
Love from Mrs Barnes
Hi everybody!
Hope you are all keeping safe and well!
Make sure you are following us on twitter as there are regular updates there all the time.
By now, I can imagine you have finished all of the work in your work packs, so if you follow this link you will find daily lessons for English, Maths as well as other subjects. These lessons follow the plan we would have been following in school, so they are the next best thing.
There are also more activities/ videos to help which link directly to the bitesize maths on the link below:
Also, on purple mash I have been setting tasks linked to our topic of Brazil. If you have a look, you can complete them and hand them in and I will be able to give you online feedback. On Purple Mash, there is also an online email so you can contact me directly.
Finally, the link below takes you to a PDF of our class novel 'Trash'. We were up to around about page 55 on the PDF. If you finish reading it, let me know what you thought of it!
Don't forget Joe Wicks every morning. Try and stay as active as possible- good for body and mind!
Missing you all a lot. Hope you all keep safe.
Miss Bennett x
Hi everyone!
I hope you are all keeping well at home and staying safe. Remember to continue to complete your work packs that you took home on Friday. If you were off last week, your work packs are in the office and can be collected at any time.
During this time off school, I will update this class page as well as Twitter with any resources/ ideas of activities that can be done at home. Joe Wicks is providing a half hour PE session every morning at 9 am which would be a great way to start your morning.
If you have any worries or questions, please email school at office@huntscross.liverpool.sch.uk and Miss Milne will be able to forward the e-mail onto myself.
In the meantime, enjoy this period of 'working from home.' Keep yourselves safe!!
Miss Bennett
Happy new year, Year 6!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and are looking forward to the next couple of months. We have an extremely busy few half-terms now, in the run up to our end of KS2 assessments; however we will still be having fun along the way!
Throughout the year, if there are any ever issues please do not hesitate to catch me on the playground for a quick chat. For a more in-depth conversation please call the school office and we will arrange an appointment to meet.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Miss Bennett & Mrs Gibbons
PE is every Thursday. Please ensure your child has their full PE kit in school every Friday.
Children in Year 6 are allowed to walk home alone; however if you do wish for your child to walk home alone you will need to inform us of this in writing.
All children in Year 6 have their revision books, which they are to complete in accordance to their revision timetable. It is essential that these books are completed as they form a vital part of our revision. These books are marked every Friday, and children do have the opportunity to spend their Monday lunchtime receiving support from myself on any areas they may be struggling with.
As well as this, children have also received their spelling list for the next 6 weeks. Children are expected to practise these in preparation for their test on Friday.
Although reading records are not checked every Friday, children are still expected to read their home reading books at home as reading records may be checked periodically.
I am aware that this seems like a lot; however as the demands of the curriculum increase it is essential that children are extending their learning at home too.