Welcome to Class 5B!
We have now entered the last few weeks of year 5. Lets make them fabulous!
We have a very busy few weeks ahead with fun activities such as Sports Day, Musical rehearsals, transition morning and open afternoon for your parents.
PE during the Summer term is swimming. You will need to bring your swimming kits every Thursday.
Book bags should be in school on a Friday where you have the chance to change your home reading book.
Maths and Spelling homework will be sent home on a Friday and should be handed back in the following Wednesday.
Your attendance is extremely important. There will be the opportunity to earn a raffle ticket each morning if you are in and on time. Plus a bonus 10 raffle tickets if you are in all week.
You can also earn 1 raffle ticket if you are looking super smart all week.
Don't forget to demonstrate our school values too!
More raffle tickets on offer.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Brown