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Year 5

Hello, Year 5! 


Hopefully we have settled well into a new term and a new school year. a few important pieces of Information for you to remember.

  • Homework is given out on a Monday along with spellings and your reading book in a homework folder. This is to be returned to school on a Friday please. Children will be tested on Spelling on a Friday. Please, please read three times a week, this is vital to your learning Year 5. laugh 
  • 5D have swimming on a Wednesday until Christmas so swimsuits/trunks and towels to be brought in a bag.
  • PE day for Year 5 is Friday, so please come in your PE kit, Black shorts, White tops and black pumps. 


Throughout the autumn term, Year 5 will be learning about the Anglo-Saxons in History, space in Science and Hinduism in RE along with Decimal Fractions, Money and Multiplication in maths and FArther and The Errand boy in English. More information on these topics can be found in the 'What We Are Learning' section above. 


Mr Moorcroft, Mr Duxbury Mrs Cook and Mrs Thomas. smiley
