I hope that you’ve all had a wonderful break and have enjoyed a well deserved rest! This term we have got a wide range of topics to get our teeth into. We will be exploring the outer reaches of the universe in Science, learning about Rivers in our topic, ‘Ferry across the Mersey.’ We will also be creating our own computer games in Computing (to name just a few topics). If you all return with the keenness and enthusiasm you showed last term, we will have another fun and productive term.
Throughout, the year we are looking for the children to demonstrate our school values such as honesty, team work and determination so that they can win raffle tickets for their team.
Some important information for Year 5 parents/carers:
Year 5 teachers would like to encourage children to bring in water bottles and a piece of fruit for snack, if they wish. Book bags should be brought in everyday so children do not miss any opportunities to read to an adult.
Mr Gray and Mr Duxbury