Hello Year 3! :)
We hope you all had a restful summer break and are ready for our new adventure in KS2! Our class page is where you can find all the information regarding our journey throughout Year 3. Things will look a little different this year but you will love your time in Year 3 just as much as you did in Year 2. You will get your very own stationery to look after and it is very important that you use your own stationery at all times. We will have staggered breaks this year, however both Year 3 classes will be out at the same time, so you can wave to your friends from across the playground if you wish.
Everybody will be facing the front in class but you will be sat next to a classmate. You will also be eating your lunch in the classroom. There will be lots of handwashing and washing of class resources to make sure we keep you all safe.
Our year three overviews will outline what the children will be learning throughout each half-term and more information can be found on each subject’s curriculum page. Our Vehicle text in English for Autumn 2 is fantastic and when we do our big reveal of the text in class, you will love it! Please take a look at our Autumn curriculum to find out more about the fantastic topics we will be delving into over the coming weeks....
Book bags
Book bags are to be brought to school each day.
Reading books
Reading books will be given out on Mondays. Your child will receive two books to read over the course of the week and these will include:
Reading for pleasure book - a book chosen by the child from our class library to share with adults at home.
Banded book - this is specific to the child’s reading level.
Reading logs are used in school and at home so please ensure they are in your child’s book bag every day. Please leave a comment and the page number each time they read. This helps staff in school carry on from where you have left off. We recommend you read with your child everyday (one/two pages).
Due to current circumstances we request all books are returned on Fridays. This allows time for the books to be sanitised and new books given out on Mondays.
Homework will be given out on Fridays and is to be returned by Wednesday at the latest. Your child’s homework will include: spellings, a Maths and an English activity.
Water bottles
Please ensure your child brings a water bottle each day.
Please ensure your child's belongings are labelled with their name and class, especially cardigans and jumpers.
Thank you for your support.
Mr Moorcroft & Miss Marriott.