Year 3 Summer 1
PE kits must be worn on a Tuesday for Cricket this half term and on a Thursday to make changing for Swimming easier. Please remember to pack your swimming costume, towel and cap!
We must continue to keep up our hand washing and extra cleaning around class to keep everybody safe.
Our Vehicle text in English is 'The Iron Man'. Have you ever heard of it? It is a classic story which your parents might have read in school-ask them! It is very important that you keep up your basic skills by reading as much as possible and practise your grammar, punctuation and spellings. In Maths we are working on our 2, 4 and 8 times tables and column subtraction. It is important that you continue to recap your place value of numbers up to 1000, mental arithmetic skills and column addition.
Take a look at our overview for Summer 1 under 'What we will be learning' to see what you will be exploring this half term. In Geography, we will be finishing our work off on 'What makes the World Angry?' and starting a new topic called 'Why were the Ancient Greek ruled by their Gods?' In Science, we are looking at plants as we move into the summer term. I wander what information you can remember from Year 2? We will explore touch typing, privacy and security in Computing. As well as lots of fun learning in other topic areas such as Art/DT weeks, RE, Music, French and PSHE. Our topic this half term in PSHE is Relationships. Think carefully about all of the relationships we have in our lives. Let's work on our class relationships as a goal for this half term! :)
Routines and Homework
School day: 8:55-3.15pm
Please remember that you are coming on to the JUNIOR YARD to enter your classroom.
All homework will be completed on Google Classroom as you should all have your logins now. We will still be giving out paper copies as we know that many of you would like to keep up your handwriting. You will receive homework every Friday and it should be returned by Wednesday of the following week. . The homework will be:
-English task,
-Maths task,
-Spelling task,
It is very important that you practise your times tables on TT Rockstars and spellings on Spelling Shed. We also have Bug club to practise reading and Purplemash if you would like to practise any of your computing skills. This term we are doing email so feel free to practise sending us messages.
You will also be given two reading books. One will be a levelled book to help improve your reading fluency and one will be a reading for pleasure book that your adult can read with you. YOU MUST READ AND GET YOUR READING BOOK SIGNED AT LEAST 3 TIMES EVERY WEEK. Remember that the more you read, the more you know, and the more you know, the more places you'll go!!!
Medical Information
Please let the school know if your child has any medical conditions we need to be aware of. It is important that you return medical forms ASAP.
We hope that you are well rested and enjoyed the break.
Mrs Taylor, Mrs Marriott, Ms Davis and Miss Wilson xxx