Welcome to Year 2
Hello 2B and 2M
We hope that you have had a super Easter holiday and are looking forward to the term ahead.
This term is going to be a very busy time but we know that we will have lots of fun. We will begin the term by looking at a range of extended stories and we will be writing our own poems. We will also explore data handling and become more confident at identifying right angles.
We will carry out a range of experiments and investigations linked to our Science topic of 'Plants and Animals'. We will investigate the differences between two contrasting environments. Our topic this term is entitled 'Rule Brittania'. We will look at different features of a country in the British Empire. As an additional homework it would be lovely if you could conduct your own research at home and produce your own posters, books or fact files on Australia. Be as creative as possible. Raffle tickets will be awarded for your hard work!!!
P.E . will take place every Tuesday for Class 2B and Class 2M. Please bring in your full P.E. kit each week. Book bags will be changed every Monday and Friday.
Homework and spellings will be given on Friday. Please ensure all homework is returned no later than the following Wednesday.
There are some fun activity links below for you to enjoy at home.
Have fun!
Mr Burns and Mrs Mannion
Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!