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Year 1

Final Home Learning!
WB 06.07.2020

WB 29.06.2020 - Home Learning 

Hi everyone here is another home learning plan. 

To those returning to school tomorrow we are all so excited to see your smiling faces again. :) 

WB 22.06.2020 - Home Learning 

Hi everyone! A new home learning plan below. Take care :)

WB 15.06.2020

Hi Year One! Another home learning plan to support your learning from home. Hope you're all ok. We miss you!

WB 08.06.20

Hi Year 1 - here is the plan to support this weeks learning from home.   Have a go and don't forget to tweet us.  We love hearing and seeing what you have been up to!

WB 01.06.20

Hey everyone! Hope you're all ok!

Below is a plan to support learning from home. Take a look, have a go and don't forget to tweet us what you are getting up to. We love hearing from you all!

WB 04.05.2020

NCETM Virtual Maths Lessons!

The link below will take you to the NCETM website where you find virtual interactive maths lessons. All you need to do is click on KS1 and follow the lesson in order. 


Spelling Shed

New focus sound updated - ure, er and ear. 



Don't forget to keep up with your phonics! Mr Throne does phonics is a great tool to help revise specific sounds. 




Check out the link below for some Charanga/ Yumu music activities for Year 1! Your logins are attached in a word document. Go to either class 1J or class 1LD and find your initials to access your logins.


 Love from Mrs Barnes


Class logins for 1J & 1LD (Charanga/ Yumu)

WB 27.04.2020

Hi Year 1!

I hope you are all keeping safe and well. We miss you all so much! Below are links to support learning from home!

I have updated focus sounds - ar, air and oi.



Below I have also attached Year one work for literacy. 

As it is Summer term we would have been beginning our new learning topics for Geography and Science. 

I have attached the knowledge mats below and thought they would be great stimulus for an at home project. Have a look and get creative :) Don't forget to tweet me your progress as I love hearing from you all!

Morning all!

WB - 30.03.20


I hope you are all keeping safe and well at home! Below I have added tasks to support your learning. Please do not feel pressured to complete all the tasks set as I am aware we are all facing our own challenges right now. 


Vocab Ninja Words of the Week

Below are this week's words. Can you find out what these words mean? Can you use them in context and maybe even put them into a sentence? You could also find different words that have a similar meaning.

In Year One we use the Grasshopper words! 

White Rose Math Hub

White Rose are offering great online lessons to support learning at home. Each lesson comes with a video input and a short task. This is great to keep our mathematical mind thinking!

It also follows the small step teaching sequence that we use in school and so the children will be learning exactly what we would be teaching if they were in school.. 

Currently they have published week 2 but if you go back to Week 1 Lesson 1 this will introduce you to the new topic Measurement. 

Spelling Shed

I have updated Spelling Shed with three focus sounds. 

ur - a nurse with a purse. 

or - shut the door.

ow - a brown cow. 

Practise spelling these words through the bee hive game and in other ways too such as; 

  • Pre-cursive handwriting practise
  • Sentences
  • Practical games (Phonics Bingo is a favourite) or even online games at


Please don't forget children learn best through child led experiences so please get creative, keep active and most importantly have FUN!

  • Research things that spark their curiosity and that the children have an interest in.
  • Create a fact file about their favourite animal/singer/sports person
  • Explore maths around you through; baking making measurements/ time their exercises using a timer/ play shop using money.
  • Get creative with the recyclables aorund the house - you will be impressed with the masterprice a child can create using a carboard box. 
  • Let them play - nothing sparks the imagination more than playing with their toys.

Above all be happy and enjoy this quality time together as a family! We miss you all and can't wait to see you again soon! Keep checking twitter and remember to send us pictures of what you are getting up to. 

Take care, stay safe and wash your hands ;)

Miss Jennings, Ms Davis and Ms Lowther 








Hi Year 1!

Hope you are all keeping safe and well. Remember to keep washing those hands!

Don't forget to keep on top of your learning from home. Use apparatus to support maths calculations (pasta, lego etc). Remember to say your sentences out loud before you begin writing. Read back and check!

Most importantly remember to keep active! BBC super movers is a Year One favourite especially Mr Pumpernickle ;) and GO Noodle. 


Keep being those super thinkers that we know you all are!


Keep checking our class page for regular updates.

See you soon!

Miss Jennings, Ms Davis and Ms Lowther



Below are knowledge mats that you can use to support your childs learning at home. 


Book bags 

Book bags are to be brought to school every day. We recommend that you read with your child daily (one or two pages). Books will be changed as and when your child completes their book. 


Water bottles 

Water bottles are to be brought to school daily and will be sent home at the end of each day. 

PE Kits 

PE kits are to be brought into school as soon as possible and will be sent home at the end of each half term. 



Only those children eligible for free school meals are entitled to free milk. Those who are not eligible for free school meals can pay for milk via



Children are able to bring in a snack from home. Please note this snack must only be an item of fruit. 



Your child will receive homework every Friday which will include spellings, word of the week and a short English, Maths or Topic related task. Homework books are to be returned on Mondays. 


Phonics Screening Check 

The Year 1 phonics screening check is not a formal test, but a way for teachers to ensure that children are making sufficient progress with their phonics skills to read words and that they are on track to become fluent readers who can enjoy reading for pleasure and for learning.

The phonics screening check is taken individually by all children in Year 1 in England, and will commence the week beginning 8th June 2020. It will help to identify whether your child needs additional support at this stage so that they do not fall behind in this vital early reading skill.


Useful websites to support your child’s learning at home

YouTube - Mr Thorne Does Phonics 

YouTube - Nat Geo Kids 


Miss Jennings, Ms Lowther and Ms Davis 

Maze Explorers!

Can you name countries close to the equator?

100% Atendance All Week!

Massive welldone to 1J for winning the attendance trophy this week! Not only did we have the best attendance but 100% ALL WEEK!! Three extra gold stars, a trophy and EXTRA PLAY!!! Keep it up 1J! Remember you've got to be IN to WIN! 

We wish you a Merry Christmas!


Art Week - Painting!

Observing signs of Autumn!

Thank YOu for donating to Children in need!

The Daily Mile!

Happy Halloween!

Sorting Objects in Maths!

Toys From the Past!
