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Birds of Prey Show at Knowsley Safari Park

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Knowsley Safari Park



We have had a great start to this term and we have been kept very busy in Reception. We started off this term looking at the story of the Three Little Pigs and we started to look at different materials and their properties. The children really enjoyed building their own houses and dens outside.

 We then explored the topic of dinosaurs and the everyone enjoyed learning some interesting dinosaur names, digging for bones and exploring different dinosaur movements during P.E.  

We have explored Chinese New Year and looked at how it is celebrated in different parts of the world.  We enjoyed trying some Chinese food in class, competing in a Chinese New Year race and getting creative with our arts and crafts.


This term we have observed a great development in the children's reading and writing skills and the classes have really impressed us with these. We can see that time is spent at home learning their words and enjoying their reading books. Thank you for this continued support! Please use the bug club online to access other stories and books that you can enjoy together at home.


We look forward to working with and seeing your child progress even further over the coming term.


Thank you,

Mrs Spreadbury & Miss Mc Daid

Welcome back! 

We hope you have had a lovely half term and we were glad to see so many happy and eager faces returning to school on Monday. Reception had a great week back and we have been very busy! We are now looking forward to a great half term run up to Christmas and we have lots of fun planned for learning and exploring in the classroom.


A Special Thank you! 

 The massive amount of donated items that we received before the half-term displayed your fantastic generosity and community spirit so we want to express our sincerest thanks.  We had representatives from the South Liverpool Food bank visit our classroom on Tuesday to collect the boxes of items and they were so appreciative. The children felt really proud of what they had accomplished and had some lovely ideas on the importance of helping others. Again, Thank you!  smiley


Parents' Evenings

It was great to see so many parents this week during parents' afternoon and we have really enjoyed  having the opportunity to discuss your child's progress. We appreciate your continued involvement with your child's learning. 



Please be reminded that children should only be bringing water in their water bottle. No juice please! Also, if they choose to bring a snack for break this must be a healthy snack such as fruit or a cereal bar (no chocolate, biscuits, crisps etc).  Thank you!




Our first week in Reception!

Our Topic Overview


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Seasons-Autumn & Winter.



Celebrations & Traditions.

Celebrations & Traditions.

Celebrations & Traditions.

All About Me

New Life

Growing and Keeping Healthy.


These are a broad outline of some of the topics we will cover this year in Reception. We will add topics and themes to our weekly plans based on the children’s interests and needs.  

Reception Curriculum Overview

The children will work towards these learning outcomes through a mix of adult led and child initiated activities.

Term 1

Topics will include: All about me, Autumn and Winter, Celebrations and Traditions. Further topics will arise according to the children’s interests.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Learning the class/ school rules and routines.

Learning expected behaviour in school.

Making new friends and communicating with both adults and children.

Playing co-operatively, turn-taking and sharing nicely.

Feelings- what makes us and other people feel happy, sad, excited, nervous etc.

Asking for help and beginning to talk about own wants, needs, interests and opinions.  



Communication and Language

Maintains attention, concentrates and sits quietly during appropriate times.

Listens to and responds to instructions.

Listens and responds to ideas expressed by others in conversation or discussion.

Extends vocabulary and explores the meaning of new words.

Uses language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences in play situations.

Uses talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events.

Introduces a storyline or narrative into their play.



Physical Development

PE- using equipment to throw, catch, kick, pat and push.

Use bikes, scooters, balls, hoops, ropes and balancing equipment in the outdoor area.

Use simple tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control.

Uses a pencil and holds it effectively to begin to form recognisable shapes/ letters.

Begin to undress/ dress for PE and zip up their coat independently.




Shows and understanding of rhyme.

Phonics- beginning to recognise letter sounds, beginning to show understanding for blending to read words and segmenting to spell words.

Begins to read words and/ or captions.

Enjoys an increasing range of books.

Writes own name and other things such as labels and captions.



Number recognition, counting and ordering objects (up to 10, 20).

Estimation of objects and accurate counting.

Practical addition and subtraction.

Use of correct language involved in adding and subtracting.

Say 1 more/ 1 less than a given number.

Recognition of 2D shapes and use mathematical terms to describe  shapes and their properties.

Understanding and use of positional language- under, behind, next to, in front etc.

Explore and gain understanding of pattern, weight, height, time and money through practical activities.

Understanding the World

Learn about the 5 senses and what we use them for.

Learn about traditions and celebrations across different faiths.

Learn different facts about animals.

Complete activities on the smartboard and iPad.

Explore and use the beebot for various challenges.

Expressive Arts and Design

Introduction of a story or narrative to role play.

Choosing particular colours for a purpose in a range of painting and workshop activities.

Can construct with a purpose in mind, selecting tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble and join materials for in activities on the carpet, outdoor area and workshop.


Religious Education

New beginnings


Famous People- who work hard- good morals- Athletes (Ennis, Farah, Simmonds, Wiggins).

Our Planet- Harvest.

Religious celebrations- Diwali, Christmas.

Welcome to Reception! smiley

We hope you have had a lovely time over the summer and I am sure you are now ready to start the new school year, welcome to Reception!

We are looking forward to working together so that we have a very exciting and productive year. We would like to say a very big welcome to the new children and their families that are joining us at Hunts Cross Primary School this year. I hope that you enjoy the new challenges and approaches to learning that Reception has to offer.


Reception Term Times

Children will start school on….

Monday 12th September (mornings only) 8.55- 11.50am (no dinner)

Monday 19th September (mornings only) 8.55- 11.50am (no dinner)

Monday 26th September (full time) 8.55- 3.15am (dinner provided)

Parents are reminded that appointments with the class teacher will start from Monday 12th- Wednesday 14th September (afternoon).

We look forward to seeing you in your uniform. Don’t forget to label all your items as we do not want you to lose anything!

Children are encouraged to bring a named water bottle every day and wellies for wet weather.

We will be getting to know each other in the first few weeks.

During the first half term we will be finding out about ourselves and what interests we have.  We will also be starting to explore the changing season of Autumn.

The website will be updated regularly so keep checking in to see how the children are doing in Reception.

We look forward to your support this year.

Mrs Spreadbury & Miss Mc Daid
