PSHE Intent
At Hunts Cross Primary, personal, social health education (PSHE) enables our children to develop skills and attributes such as resilience, critical thinking and become independent members of society. It aims to allow new experiences, meeting new challenges and finding themselves in unfamiliar situations. We strive to promote understanding of how to keep ourselves safe in an ever changing world. Our children are encouraged to play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider curriculum. As a school, we believe that all children are individuals, and therefore we aim to promote diversity and celebrate all achievements.
Our PSHE curriculum is designed as a spiral curriculum in which the children revisit key skills each year. They are given regular opportunities to reflect upon their learning through discussion and worry boxes. At the beginning of each new topic, an initial activity is carried out to gauges pupils’ starting points in terms of their existing knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs.
Intention 1:
To build a PSHE curriculum that allows children to develop skills to critically question information presented to them, and are able to draw upon resilience strategies for the ever changing world in which they live. Research link:
Intention 2:
To develop a RSE education that promotes equality and diversity and informs and keeps children safe in order to develop healthy relationships that respect.
Research link:
Intention 3:
To support children to become active members of their local and global community and ensure they are self- aware of their own roles in society.
Research link:
Implementation- What will it look like?
The school curriculum will focus on three core learning themes: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world. The scheme that is followed throughout school is ‘You, Me, PSHE’ within a timetabled slot to ensure a spiral curriculum is met. This is further supplemented through initiatives such as: Liverpool City Council Loss and Bereavement resources and Roar Mental Health. PSHE is taught regularly and can also be seen discreetly through other curriculum areas and whole school life. However, this does not replace regular PSHE lessons with a qualified, familiar member of staff. All children will have access to Relationship and Sex education that is in line with their age, needs and current government advice alongside high quality Science lessons where necessary. Parents will always be informed and invited into school to discuss any concerns.
Planning and resources are accessible to all. The subject is led by the PSHE co-ordinator who develops subject knowledge though regular training opportunities and research. The subject lead also holds a lunch time club called ‘Time to Talk’ in which children have an open chat about school life, achievements, worries etc. At present, the PSHE co-coordinator has been on ‘The Archbishop of York’ training to develop Young leaders and hopes to implement this with a KS2 class during the upcoming year. She has also been on RSE training to develop RSE planning and policy across the school in preparation for statutory status in September 2020. Both the PSHE lead and SEND co-ordinator have been on ‘Roar’ training and have begun to use resources and strategies in everyday life within their own classes to ensure emotional and mental needs are being monitored and children are developing coping strategies.
As recommended by the PSHE Association, we assess through an initial gauging activity to gain an understanding of each child at the start of new topics and then at the end. PSHE is of a personal nature, and therefore should be treated accordingly. We feel that there is no ‘pass/fail’ in terms of a child; only the development of individual needs. Monitoring is carried out through pupil interviews, floor book monitoring, professional conversations and taking part in local/national initiative days and weeks to promote whole school involvement. Philosophy lessons are beginning to be taught in each year group to explore critical thinking. Ideas and concepts are visited in assemblies and there are various displays around school to promote Personal, Social and Emotional wellbeing. P4C should being used to promote critical thinking in a cross curricular way and strategies can be seen across curriculum areas e.g School values are clearly displayed around school and children can articulate what they need to do to achieve. At Hunts Cross, we understand the importance of the Early Years. We ensure connections are made between the Early Year’s Goals and KS1 curriculum by carefully matching up objectives in our audit. We ensure staff understand expectations between these transition points when teaching through regular contact, feedback and shared resources.
Visitors are invited into assemblies to give talks and sessions around various topics such as road safety- Slow Down for Bobby and Bully Busters. For sensitive issue against tackling stereotypes of refugees, we invite the Red Cross in. Lessons from the Red Cross about First Aid are also taught by staff based on key skills and knowledge from Reception to Year 6. Also, we have celebrated internet safety day, Neurodiversity week and dementia awareness workshops.
Many resources can be found online and staff are collectively gathering resources that they encounter in different year groups. We also have physical resources to support the teaching of different topics. This is continually being cleared and updated as an ongoing school aim.
In future, we would like P4C lessons (Philosophy) to be taught consistently across the school within PSHE lessons and across other curriculum areas in order to develop critical thinking.
Key Vocabulary adapted from PSHE Education Programme of Study:
Health and Wellbeing
healthy lifestyle
physical activity
healthy eating
dental health.
physical and emotional health
challenging goals
good and not so good feelings
change and loss
personal hygiene
new opportunities
scientific names of genitalia penis vagina and male and female
medicines harmful and safe
physically and emotionally safe
collective responsibility
online safety
road safety
cycle safety
safety in the environment
rail, water and fire safety
people who look after us
family networks
feeling worried
attracting attention
respect and privacy
bad secrets and nice surprises
recognise behaviour
secrets and nice surprises
uncomfortable, anxious or afraid
fair, unfair, kind, unkind, right and wrong
share opinions
their feelings to others, to recognise how others show feelings and how to respond
listen, play and work cooperatively
strategies to solve simple arguments
constructive support to other
differences and similarities
special people
special me
who to tell and how
respecting my body
respecting other people’s bodies
recognise bullying
Living in the Wider World
outside of school
understanding of rules
construct rules
follow rules
rights and responsibilities
groups and communities
improve and harm local, natural and built environments
conserving energy
spending and saving
people who look after us in the community
Health and Wellbeing
positive and negative physical, mental and emotional health informed choices balanced lifestyle balance diet media and reality achievements, strengths, areas for development, high aspirations and goals feelings- extension of vocabulary conflicting emotions change/transitions loss, separation, divorce and bereavement risk, danger and hazard managing risk responsibility resilience independence bacteria and viruses pressure from peers/media resisting pressure anxiety health and safety (school rules) basic emergency aid- where and how to get help habits substances and drugs- alcohol, tobacco, energy drinks illegal drugs body changes and emotions human reproduction taking care of and protecting my body female genital mutilation (KS3) physically and emotionally safe cycle safety- Bikeability rail, water and fire safety safety online- personal information, passwords, addresses, images people responsible for my safety responsible use of mobile phones managing image requests |
recognise/respond to wider range of feelings
positive healthy relationships
skills to form relationships
recognising unhealthy relationships
different types of relationships
civil partnerships and marriage
commitment of marriage
responsible for actions
acceptable and unacceptable physical contact
confidential and breaking secrets
listen and respond to a wide range of people
confidence to raise concerns
recognise and care for others
constructively challenge other
work collaboratively towards shared goals
develop strategies to resolve disputes and conflict
negotiation and compromise
equality protected characteristics- family, cultural, ethnic, racial, religious, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation and disability
cyber bullying, prejudice (cyber bullying/trolling)
recognising and managing dares
differences between sex, gender identity and sexual orientation
committed relationships
forced marriage- crime
personal boundaries
Living in the Wider World
discuss and debate topical issues
understanding of rules and the law
basic human rights- United Nations Declaration of the Right of the Child
universal rights
cultural practises that may be against the law-FGM
antisocial behaviour
responsibilities – home, school, community, environment
resolve differences- alternatives
respecting points of view
making decisions and explaining choices
voluntary, community and pressure groups- health and wellbeing
range of national, regional, religious and ethnic identities
values and customs of other
managing money
critical consumer
interest, loan, debt, tax, VAT
allocation of resources- individuals, communities and sustainability
enterprise and skills
media- explore and critique
critically examine information presented- misrepresent/mislead
By the time our children leave our school they will:
-be able to critically assess situations and question their learning throughout their lives through using their 'bank of knowledge' gained throughout their school journey, including appropriate vocabulary.
- to have experience of real life situations in a safe environment.
-to understand that every person has a voice.
- to appreciate difference and diversity.
-be able to look after their mental health and well-being to understand and manage their emotions.
-be able to develop positive, healthy relationship with their peers both now and in the future.
- to understand that they are part of a wider society and community that work alongside one another.
-recognise and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and Liberty.
- to understand the physical and emotional aspects of RSE at an age appropriate level.
- to have respect for themselves and others whilst maintaining their own self esteem.