Mr D Phillips (Co-opted)- Chair of Governors and Safeguarding)
Mrs D Cannon (Co-Opted)
Mr M Hargreaves (LA)
Mrs J Spreadbury ( Staff Governor/ DHT)
Mrs D McDonnell ( Co-opted)
Mrs L Wilson-Rowlands (Co-opted) Vice Chair
Mrs. S. Crease (Parent)
Mrs. K. Okell (Parent)
Mrs. E. Gash (Parent)
Clerk to Governors - Mrs A Milne
Governing body vacancies
Committees 2021-2022
D. Phillips (Chair), N. Ware, J. Spreadbury, D. Cannon, D. McDonnell
D. Phillips (Chair), N. Ware, J. Spreadbury, S. Crease, D. Cannon, J. Doyle
D. Phillips (Chair), N. Ware, L. Wilson-Rowlands, M. Hargreaves
Declaration of Interests 2021-2022
MH - employed by LA in a different school
DC - employed by LA - Children's Centre Service Co-ordinator
No other business or pecuniary interests declared
No material interests declared