Maths Intent Statement- Hunts Cross Primary
Here at Hunts Cross Primary, we embrace the Mastery approach to teaching mathematics. Our teachers will ensure that mathematical skills, as well as the three aims of the National Curriculum, are taught every day following the White Rose Maths Hub Scheme of Work. They also use cross curricular opportunities to develop pupils’ mathematical fluency. Our pupils understand the importance of mathematics, are encouraged to be confident in numeracy and to apply the skills that they learn to a variety of problem solving and reasoning questions. Children are always encouraged to explain how they have reached an answer, find all possibilities to a problem, as well as debate their thinking with others in the class. Activities planned cover a wide range of mathematical knowledge, many with an emphasis on practical work. At the start of each Maths lesson, we complete a ‘Fluent in 5’ task which aims to develop children’s Mathematical fluency and pace. We build on skills and understanding in a step by step and progressive way and have adopted a 5-part model to our teaching which enables all children to be challenged at an appropriate level. Throughout the year we continue to develop place value, the four number operations and the understanding of fractional parts. Our school is part of the NCETM Maths Hub Teaching for Mastery programme and we continue to develop our practice in line with theirs. We understand the importance of Mathematics as children move throughout their academic life as well as life outside of school and aim to provide as many practical, real- life experiences so they too can understand the value of broad Maths curriculum.
In Hunts Cross, we teach a daily Mathematics lesson from Reception- Y6. This lesson follows a 5-part model which involves the children diving straight in with a challenging 'Hook' task which will instantly make them think about their learning. Following this we review their challenge, refine the skills and then allow children to independently apply their learning in a 'practise' task. Throughout this, we incorporate a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach, and children have access to as many concrete manipulatives as they feel they need to complete their task. Instant intervention occurs as teachers formatively assess each child during their Maths lesson, and intervene at the first instance in order to address and misconceptions children may have. Revise and review lessons take place in order to ensure that all children have fully understood a concept before moving on. Homework is set weekly, following the White Rose Parent booklets and supplemented with additional resources. Children also have access to the Times Table Rockstars Website in order to practise their number recall facts.
By doing the above, here at Hunts Cross we aim to see children who are engaged in their Maths lesson. We hope to constantly challenge all children, and never put a ceiling on their learning due to the high standards we set for children of all abilities. We aim for our children to be confident during their Maths lessons and be able to carefully discuss their thinking using the correct Mathematical vocabulary which has been taught. WE aim to use a variety of different representations in order for our children to be able to see things in different ways, and link this to their previous learning. We want the children of Hunts Cross to value Mathematics and recognise its importance , not only in school, but outside of school too.